Leon Kennedy x Luis Serra x Reader

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NSFW (Drunk Threesome) (I swear I started writing this before reading the new roomates chapter)

"I have to admit, splitting the uber drive cost makes it much cheaper," Luis says. You're fumbling with your keys, attempting to unlock the door. With very delayed success, you open it, allowing your two teammates to come inside to stay for the night.

Sometimes, the three of you "celebrate" a little too hard after missions. This isn't the first time they've had to take a uber and stay, and it probably won't be the last.

"Why are you always broke?" Leon asks, flopping onto the couch. He lies face down, and Luis takes his usual spot in the lounge chair.

"Women and alcohol, the best wallet drainers," he states simply.

"I thank you for not spending your money on women this time," you chime in, sitting on the arm of the couch by Leon's head.

You look down at him, seeing his hair and how soft it looks. Instinctively, you reach out and pet it, stroking the locks beneath your fingertips.

"Hey, I'm not a dog," he grumbles. You giggle and continue petting him, as he doesn't move away or swat at your hand like he would Luis.

"Still cute." Oh shit. Did I say that out loud??

"What was that? The princessa has feelings? Oh, if only it were for me," Luis whines.

"Too bad. And even if she did, I'm not sharin," Leon says. Your eyes widen, shocked at his words. Wait, he's ok with it? There's so much going on, drunk brain can't handle.

"Aw come on, not even for a night?" Luis asks, winking at you. Leon sits up at that, staring down Luis. He places his hand on your thigh, as if an attempt to show ownership.

"Not even for a second." Why is this kinda... Hot?

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind taking a little bit of both of us, right princessa?" He really put me on the spot. But... Yeah, Luis could treat me good.

"I mean... Sure. Nice to have a little of both worlds, right?" You turn to Leon, who is completely unamused.

"We both know you don't own her, Leon. She can do what she wants."

"Well, looks like I'll have to claim her for myself first then," Leon responds, staring down Luis.

"Come on, stop fighting. Not a worthwhile argument," you say. Don't stop fighting.

"Hell, I'd pay good money to have a night with her. I think I'm the more motivated one," Luis says, trying to piss him off.

"Wouldn't that make me a prostitute?"

"You're not a prostitute," Leon says, gripping your thigh tighter. "And she doesn't need to feel like one either."

"Just an example, jeez. If you'll take me for free, sign me up princessa."

"I think she'll take me. After all, I'm the one who's had her attention lately." Luis chuckles, shaking his head.

"I'd like to see you try."

You turn to Leon and he's pulling you onto his lap by the hips, your legs straddling him. That is one hell of a bulge.

"Come on baby, you can grind. Make that clit feel good with my cock," he whispers. Your face turns red, the vulgar words from his mouth putting you into a state of embarrassment and shock. "Don't be shy." He places his hand on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. We should get drunk more often.

He helps guide you as you begin to move your hips. At this point, you were so excited to be like this with him that you didn't care Luis was behind you observing. You were feeling good, and your face was not hiding it.

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