Kitten Kisses.

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"Mom, Dad what are you doing here?" I gasped.

"We just got out of rehab," my mom smiled, "We want to be a part of your life again. We are fixed."

My dad smiled, "What have we missed?"

I gaped at them. They think they can just walk back in without apoligizing.

"Graduation. Liam and Harry on the X-Factor, Harry and Emma got married, Liam and I are getting married next month, I live with Anne," I spoke bluntly.

My mom's smile fell, "You do?"

"Yeah," I mumbled,"She got custody."

My dad narrowed his eyes slightly, "You two are getting married?"

I leaned back into Liam's strong chest, and I felt his arms wrap around me from behind. "Yes, that's what I said," I spat.

"I remember when you said he had cooties," my mom chuckled, actually making me crack a smile.

"If it's alright. We'd like to take you both out to dinner. Liam, Karen and Geoff can come along. Its all on us," my mom offered sweetly.

My mom was actually showing signs of change, my dad on the other hand. He still had a nasty scowl on his face, and his eyes were squinted.
Liam spoke up this time, "Of course." He smiled, pulling his charm on my mother.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek, "I'll see you two tonight."

They made a beeline for their car and drove off and I stood like a statue in the doorway.

"You're really gonna give them a chance?" Karen said from behind us.

"Yes, I think I am." I smiled weakly, "Are you coming?"

"Well of course sweetie, I wouldn't leave you two alone with them, Geoff gets off of work in an hour..that gives me time to go get ready." Karen ran back down the hallway.

Liam chuckled and threw me over his shoulder and ran to his room, "Maybe we can get some make out time before we leave."



"So, you want her name to be Sally?" I asked her.

She nodded, holding the small calico kitten, "Yes, my little Sally."

Emma set her on the ground gracefully and she pounced into my lap.
Her tiny claws dug into my thighs and I hissed as she tugged her claws out of me.

"Aw, maybe shes a mommys girl," Emma giggled as Sally hopped into her lap and nuzzled her head into her belly, purring softly.

She made me smile, popping my dimples, "I'm gonna text Louis."

I took out my phone and shot him a text, "Thank you for the kitten. We love her. Her name is Sally xx"

He texted me back a couple seconds later, and it read, "Awesome, I got the idea from Niall's new girlfriend, Shelby."

The name Shelby made me cringe and I showed Emma the text.

"Ew, it couldn't be the same one, could it?" She asked, planting small kisses to Sallys head.

"Let's see," I bantered, asking Louis what her last name was, and to our surprise, it was.

"I wonder how they met," she cringed.

"Let's not even think about it, I hate her," I sighed as I felt something rough against my hand.

I looked down and Sally let out a weak mewl and nuzzled her head into my knee.

"She kissed me, why don't you kiss me too?" I smirked at my wife, tackling her to the bed.

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