Chapter 42

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The next morning I wake up, sticky with sweat, sore from love bites, and I don't feel anyone laying behind me anymore. I turn slowly and lay on my back, smiling up at my ceiling. Today I am getting married to the love of my life.

I look at the empty spot and there's a note. I pick it up and rub at my eyes, seeing Liams messy scrawl,

Hi beautiful, I'm sorry I won't be there when you wake up. Gotta get ready. I'll see you tonight baby. This is gonna be the best day ever. P.S. can't get over how cute you are when you're sleeping. :)

I re-read the note a couple more times and I am about to get up when Emma comes running in. "Taylor Michelle, what are you still doing in bed?!" She takes my sheets and throws them off and screams when she sees that I'm naked. I laugh and walk to the bathroom, not really caring. "Yea, yea, I'll shower then we'll get started."

I start the water, letting it warm up while I admire the blooming specks of dark red and purple down my stomach and on my hip, and my thighs. I smile to myself, and step into the shower. I wet my hair and massage my vanilla shampoo into my hair. While that sits, I wash my body and run a razor over my legs and arm pits. I rinse my hair, and put in the conditioner doing the same thing with that.

I step out wrapping my hair and my body with two towels walking into my room. Emma has set up a whole area by my dresser. "Okay, okay. I'm gonna do your hair and since I cannot do makeup, I asked Louis' sister Lottie to do it since that's her job. Anne and Karen are downstairs waiting until we're done."

"Alright." I slip on some underwear under my towel and a sports bra. I put on some spandex and an old school shirt. I sit down and Emma takes my towel off of my hair begins running a comb through it. "Hey, um, has my mom shown up by chance?" I say, making eye contact with her in the mirror.

She holds it, pausing from combing my hair. "No I don't think so, petal. Give her time though." I nod slowly, looking at my lap, looking at my nails. Emma's right. I just gotta give her time.


"Liam, I'm telling you, you're not growing." I shake my head at my best mate.

"I swear, the pants feel shorter on my legs. I'm gonna look like a total wanker out there." He's watching himself in the mirror, tugging the bottoms of his pant legs down.

"Liam, you're just nervous and paranoid. I was the same way, remember? I thought my skin was turning yellow."

He chuckles and takes a deep breath, turning to face me. "You're right, you're right, I just have to-"

"Relax. I can go get you a drink if you want."

He shakes his head, rubbing his hands on his thighs. "I wish I had Taylor here. She always knows how to calm me down."

I smile a little bit, "I know, bro, but she's getting ready. So should you."

"I'm a guy, there's not much to do. Shave and throw on a tux. I don't have long lustrous hair like you Haz."

"You got me there," I chuckle. "Maybe you can call her."

"You're right Haz, that's a great idea." He pulls out his phone and dials his number and walks out into the hall. This gives me time to check on my girl. I pull my phone out and click the video icon next to her contact. She answers the Facetime with a big toothy smile. "Hey beautiful," I smile, admiring her as though she was actually in the room with me.

"Hi handsome. How's everything going?" She smiles and I notice how curly her hair is.

"Liam is super nervous, but that was expected. I love your hair like that, it's so beautiful. Almost as good as mine," I smirk teasingly, knowing she needed some banter.

"In your dreams, Styles," she smirks, flipping her hair behind her shoulders.

"You are in my dreams, Mrs. Styles," I wink and watch her cheeks turn pink.

"Oh stop, anyway, Lottie is adding the final touches on Taylor's makeup, then we're gonna put her dress on, then you and Liam are gonna follow Geoff up to the aisle."

I nod, understanding every word, "I know honey. I've done a wedding before."

She smirks and shakes her head, "Well I'll see you out there baby, I love you. Muah." She puts her lips up to the camera and I do the same, ending the call.

"Okay, okay, now that's gross. Taylor and I don't even do that." I hear at the doorway and see Liam standing there. I chuckle and stand up, putting my phone on silent, and tucking it into my pocket.

"How'd that go? She calm ya down?"

"Yes, yes, she did. She always does."

Before I can say anything, a small knock echoes in the room and Geoff opens the door with a proud smile. "This way, son. You're about to get married."

He rubs his hands together and puts them up to his mouth, whispering something. He gives me a hopeful smile and I clap my hand on his back, knowing exactly what's coursing through his veins. Anxiety.

"C'mon man," I smile and follow him and Geoff to the altar.


Once my dress and shoes are both on, we fix anything wrong with my hair and makeup and Lottie leaves the room to go take her seat. I look at Emma with scared eyes and I know she knows what I'm feeling.

"You deserve this, Tay, every minute of it. Let's go get your prince charming."

I smile, letting Emma lead me to the big brown eyes where Harry met us. "Babe, what are you doing?" Emma asks, seeming worried.

"Well, I'm gonna walk Taylor down the aisle, ya know, since her father can't be here." He smiles at his wife then down at me. "Hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all," I smile, putting my arm through his.

"You look so beautiful Tay, so grown up." He smiles meaningfully down at me and I return it. I appreciate Harry so much. He was my rock, a lot like a slightly older brother.

"Let's go." Emma breathes, the door opens and since she's the main bridesmaid, she walks first out and I find myself clutching Harry's forearm. "What if I puke? Or fall? Or forget my vows?" I say quietly, as everyone turns to the back to stare.

We walk slowly and I'm looking at the crowd. I see Louis' family, Lottie and her sisters. My siblings and aunt's and uncle's as well as Liams. I walk up more and see the most important women sitting in the front row. Anne, who has been a second mom to me and let me come over even at unGodly hours of the night. Karen, who has been so loving and accepting of me. And my mom, who has given me many things. Bruises, but also hope. She's strong. She left my father because he was toxic and I am 21 years old, it took her this long to notice. I see Nicola, Ruth, Gemma, and Emma has my bridemaids and I think about the times I have had with them. Finally I meet eyes with Liam. Those same eyes I met in 6th grade. He was a chubby boy who got picked on for being obsessed with Toy Story. He was the 14 year old with the Justin Bieber haircut and kidney problems. He was the 20 year old who started changing himself for the better. He was my best friend, my boyfriend, about to be my husband and my life.

Harry leaves me at a certain spot and kisses my cheek and goes to stand beside Liam leaving me to walk up there alone. I stand across from Liam and hand Emma my bouquet. I turn and look back into Liams eyes as the priest begins to talk. I zone most of it out until he says my name, I know it is time for my vows.

"Liam James Payne, when we met in year 6, I had no idea you'd end up being such a huge part of my life. I remember growing up with you and falling more in love with you everyday. I remember the day I admitted it to you, and you said you felt the same. I got this feeling of euphoria that I only feel when I'm around you. I know you'll make me feel that forever and I hope I make you feel the same. You didn't just teach me how to love someone else, you taught me to love myself. You've helped me accept things about myself that not even Dr. Phil could do. Liam James Payne, for the last 10 years, you've dressed up as Batman for Halloween but as I'm standing here, I know that was not a costume. You are a superhero. My superhero. Liam, you saved me."

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