That Hurt.

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      I rubbed my eyes as the clock striked 2 am. I continued pouring out everything into my notebook I had gotten for my 15th birthday.

Dear Diary,

They were at it again and now my mom is gone.  I have no idea where she's gone to and my dad has been passed out all day on the couch. It hurts, you know? Knowing that my parents don't really love each other.  That look they gave each other two years ago. That couldn't have been fake.  That was a look I wanted to get from Liam. I could've sworn that love would have never faded. and I guess it has.

That hurts. If they don't love each other.  Does that mean they don't love me? I mean, I was their creation. I was their gift. Or was I not? Was I even wanted? I always knew they had problems. I didn't know they could get this bad and all I want is my family back. All I want is-

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THIS LATE?" my mom slurred, leaning against the wall for support.

I shut my notebook, "I-I was just..."

She stumbled torwards me, "I don't care what you were doing! You were a little bitch today, bringing your friends over while you knew what was happening."

I sighed softly, "Mom,  I'll help you to bed and-"

"NO! Stop changing... the subject!"

I winced at her hand coming in contact with my cheek. My eyes watered & I held my cheek.

She had a look in her eyes that I had never seen before, "Go to bed. You have school in the morning."

I nodded, still gripping my hot cheek as I walked to my dresser to grab some pjs.

She stomped out and slammed my door, leaving me to jump at the loud sound.

I barely fell asleep that night.  I was scared to. That person I saw was not my mom.


My brown eyes opened slowly, peeking around my room, glancing at the lights hanging around my walls.

  I sat up from my soft, sheets and yawned, stretching my arms out above my head.

Yay. Another Monday. I turned and looked at my alarm clock,

7:26 am.

It said in neon green letters.

I groaned, knowing I'd be late.

I got up, letting my feet touch the fuzzy purple carpet I got put in.

I pushed myself up, padding over to my dresser, pulling out a cute pink sundress.

I slipped my silky pjs down my body and pulled it on, walking to my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, running a.brush through my hair, letting the natural, brown curls show.

I didn't wear makeup much,but I had to cover up the red handprint.

I threw on some deoderant and perfume,  stepping into some flats.

I took a look at myself in the mirror as I placed a matching pink bow into my hair.

I grabbed a granola bar, my bag, my phone, and walked 3 houses down to Harry's.

"Taylor!" Anne said brightly, opening her arms to me.

I smiled and stepped into them, "Hiiii!"

She gestured to the car & I ran over, hopping in the back next to Gemma; she smiled, "Hey!"

Harry looked back from the passengers seat, "Hey Tay."

I grinned, "Hello."

Anne got into the drivers seat and started the car.

All 3 of us girls were bothering Harry about Emma as Anne went on..

"Now Harry.. you're asking Emma on Graduation right? Ugh! i can't handle it anymore!"

We all chanted, "HEMMA HEMMA HEMMA!"

I laughed, "Come on, Harry!"

He fought off his blush, "Leave me alone, girls!"

We laughed and got out at our school. Gemma heading to her friends.

Harry & I walking to Emma and Liam who were very giggly.

We sat down, "Hey... you guys okay?"

Emma giggled, "Shelby fell."

I gasped and furrowed my eyebrows, "Why did I have to miss it?"

Shelby was the queen bee.  Or you know... queen bitch.  She absolutely hated Emma & I because we were always with Harry and Liam.

As for Kendall. They ruled this high school.

But we didn't let that get in the way of having the best senior year ever.

Liam nudged me, "Don't you look cute today?"

I giggled and let the blush find my cheeks, "Thanks Li. "

He kissed my cheek, right where my mom's wedding ring had hit me. Oh stop, being a baby Taylor.

It was just a slap,

But seriously, that hurt.

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