Moving in / Dinner.

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We walked into the massive, white house. The big hall in front us intimidated us quite a bit. It was bigger than I was used to, and I'm even famous.

"It's.. roomy," Emma said, never letting go of my hand since we got out of the car. "Enough room for little feet stomping around in the future," she added, making me smile.

"Most definetely, princess," I smiled, pecking her cheek, "Well, let's go explore."

I tugged her hand and she let out one of her precious giggles as she stumbled behind me. This must have been the living room because I saw a very nice, (very expensive looking might I add) sofa.

I sat down on it, "Ooh, my momma knows what I like" I laughed, patting the seat beside me. She sat down, looking around the very open, white room.

"We could totally hang a television right on the wall!" I pointed to the blank canvas that stood in front of the sofa.

"Yes, come on!" She exclaimed, pulling me up again, walking into the next room and I gasped, seeing the largest kitchen I have ever set foot in throughout my 20 years.

"Aw, look," Emma cooed, seeing a small letter on the black, marble counter. Written in my mother's professional, loopy cursive, it said:

I thought you would like this, Harry. I already filled some of the cabinets with new pots and pans. There's also a booklet of my recipes and recipes from our ancestors. Keep these alive, pass them onto your children and bless them with your gifts and talents. I hope your beautiful wife and you enjoy your life together, I known that there will be more great things to come, love to both of you. -Anne, mum xx.

I read it out loud and smiled at Emma as she pulled me away back into the main hall.

"Okay, okay up the stairs we go," she chorused. We held hands and marched up the stairs and saw a room with the door wide open.

"An empty bedroom," I looked around, "nice."

She smiled, "For the baby."

"For the baby," I affirmed.

We planned to start trying for one once we get settled in.

We wandered down the numerous hallways, and stumbled upon another room, it could have been a bedroom but the walls had bookshelves built on them and Emma leaped with joy. "Taylor listened when I said I wanted a reading room!"

"That's so great, honey," I hugged her from behind.

"I'm definetely painting it though. Maybe blue, maybe purple!" She squealed.

I laughed and pulled her out again, "We have to still find our bedroom," I winked. We began our trip down the rest of the hallway and the rest of our lives.


"How are you not nervous?" I looked at Liam, as he held both of my hands.

"Well, this isn't too bad. I mean, we get married next month. I'm going to be nervous then." He smiled warmly, gazing sweetly down at me.

I sighed deeply and placed my cheek against his chest.
"Okay, babes, we're ready to go," Karen poked her head in and we followed her and Geoff out to the car. Liam and I sat in the back and we buckled our seatbelts and I laid my head in his chest again, and he ran his fingers through my brown hair.

I looked up at him underneath my eyelashes and ran my fingers through the small quiff he had and I kissed him tenderly, pulling away to rub our noses together. His eyes held love and compassion and we parked.

We got out and walked in, and told the guy someone was waiting on us.

He lead us to a table where my mom sat, looking down at a menu.

She looked up and smiled brightly, "Hello."
I smiled and walked around the curve of the table and gave her a small hug, Liam doing so afterwards. "Karen, Geoff great to see you again." She nodded at Liam's parents and sat back down.

I sat down in between my mom and Liam.

"You too, Lillian," Geoff greeted. "Where's your husband?"

Her smile faded and I saw the enthusiastic light die in her eyes, "Well, he kind of left. After we fought, when we left your house. I'm filing for divorce."

Good, I thought to myself. It's not that I didn't love my father, he just treated my mother like garbage. He's the one that got her into drinking.

"I mean, I think I deserve to be treated like a princess," my mom said, "and he didn't do that. He just told me how stupid and worthless I am."

"I've wanted you to divorce him for years," I admitted, swallowing.

She nodded, and patted my hand. "I should have listened sooner, honey. So, enough about me, when is the wedding?"

I blushed and felt Liam squeeze my hand. "January first."

"Aw, that's so amazing," my mom smiled. "Your birthday is in a couple days too isn't it?"

"Yes," I smiled, looking over at Liam.

We all ordered our drinks, appetizers and our meals.

"How is Emma? And Harry?" My mom said, taking a bite of her fish fillet.

"They got married two days ago. We bought them a house, they should be moving in today." Liam smiled.

"Ooh, shrimp," I giggled, opening my mouth teasingly and he popped one into my mouth off of his fork.

"I remember when Emma and Taylor used to run around saying they'd never love Harry and Liam," Karen chuckled to herself.

"I remember the day she admitted it to me. She was 12 years old." My mom smiled at me.

"I remember the day we both told each other how felt," I said, cheeks aching at my big smile, but when I saw Liam's smile, it made me smile even wider.

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