I'll Have To Be Alright.

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"Tomorrow is the day" Liam and Taylor said, nudging my sides.  I shook them off and knocked on Emma's door.

Yes, tomorrow was graduation. The day I'm gonna propose to Emma, my best friend, the love of my life. 

    Emma answered the door with the slight bruises Taylor had left, but they made up. Taylor was seeing a lot of people and it was back to old. Not nesscarily. But almost.

Emma walked out with his, keeping her head down. That's weird. She usually holds my hand or kisses me. Well, it's not like we're dating.

I held her hand and locked our fingers, only for her to jerk her hand away.

I pulled my eyebrows down, knitting my eyebrows. She was mad at me.

I didn't even do anything.

I walked up and made her look at me. She had another black eye. I widened my eyes, tightening my grip on her waist, "Who did that?!"

She let a tear fall from her blue eyes, "It was nobody."

She needed me. I didn't wanna leave her for The X-Factor, but she would want it that way. She would want me to follow my dreams.

I just didn't know when or how I was gonna tell her. I heard a squeal behind me and Taylor was hugging Liam.

That makes it easier... Liam just told Taylor. Liam looked at me, "When you gonna tell her?"

Emma looked up at me questioningly. I sighed, rubbing my face.

Emma's small voice spoke up, "What Harry?"

This was it.

"Emma I-I... Liam and I are auditioning for The X-Factor." A huge smile lit up her face.

"Oh Harry! that's great! i know you're going to win."

I bit my lip, "Well, we leave two days after graduation and we'll be gone for 6 months to a year."

Her face dropped.


wait. 6 months to a year.

I looked up at Liam and he nodded,  confirming it to me. 

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Y-You're gonna be gone that long? I need you here with me baby.."

He held me tight as I sighed deeply, "I should probably go talk to Emma."

I walked over to my blonde best friend and touched her hand gently, "Emma, come here." I said softly.

I took her into the kitchen and I hugged her, "I have to apoligize. i'm sorry, for everything and.." I looked up noticing her black eye... "Who did that?!" I whisper-screamed. 

She crossed her arms uncomfortably.. "I'm fine. Everything's okay."

I shook my head, "You're lying. Who did it?" My eyes began to spill tears. It killed me to see her hurt. It killed me when I had finally realized what I did.

She turned away from me, "It was someone from our school. That's all I'm saying."

Obviously,  it was Shelby. "But Emma, we're graduating tomorrow." I said, my voice cracking. Harry was going to pop the question tomorrow.. if she's in a upset mood like she is now, it won't be so good.

"I have some medicine for it, Taylor. Please calm down. I'm fine. I'll have to be alright." She spoke surely to me. I grabbed her hand in mine and squeezed it, "I love you, okay?"

She smiled up at me, her blue eyes sparkling, "I love you too."

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