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-Taylor's POV-

Liam's phone went off with a notification. I sat up when he did and he took his phone and I watched his face go pale.

"I'll kill harry," he nearly growled.

"Why?" I asked.

Then he showed me his phone. The tweet that got millions of retweets and favorites and everything.

"Emmas my fianće, not Nialls girlfriend."

I couldn't help but smile. Harry was rebelling and it was worth it. I loved it.

"He's standing up to management. I wish you'd do that," I said, looking up at him.

"I can't. Management wants to see him and us and that means trouble,"

My Liam; always afraid to get in trouble.

"Baby, whatever is so bad, we will face together. We always do," I whispered with a smile.

He took my face and kissed me passionately.

I got the feeling I felt on the couch that one night. I want him. More than anything.

"We have to leave in 5 minutes. Could you give me 3? " he asked seductively.

"T-to do what?" I stuttered.

He got close to my ear, "to show you how much I love you."

I nodded and he kissed my neck. His lips slid down my arm and he was at my special area.

"Take them off," he instructed. I did as I was told.

I gasped. Was I ready?

He then licked his lips, his mouth forming a kiss to my area and sucking delicately and gently.

"Shit," I mumbled and I felt him smirk.

He added tongue, dancing around inside me and my hips bucked.

I sat up on my elbows and watched him eat me. Something I've always wanted to see.

"Baby," he cooed against me.

"More," I breathed shakily.

And that's just what he did. More. So much more; it was amazing.

My hands tangled in his hair and he continued. I couldn't help the pleasurable moans he gave me from spilling out of my mouth.

He finished and came up to me, "Tonight you're mine,"

I nodded. "Always."


I laid in Emmas room, kissing her and cooing how much I love her.

We are both butt naked. We don't know how it happened, but we were kissing and it just did.

I wanted to make love to her again. I wanted it to be better. I just don't have a comdom with me.

Emma was wrapped in my arms, tracing the ink on my body. Most of these tattoos were about her and she knew it.

"Harry, can I ask you something?"

"Anything," I kissed her.

"We keep saying we can't wait to marry eachother, but we haven't even picked a date," she said. And she was right.

We haven't picked a date yet and it's been 6 months since she said yes.

"You choose," I said.

"I want it in winter.. But when?" She looked up at me, blue eyes sparkling.

I smiled at her beautiful face, "Christmas,"

"Christmas?" She asked.

"Yes. Christmas. It would be so romantic," I said and kissed her.

She thought about it then smiled. "Okay. Christmas. What year?"

"This year," I said. I knew she had all the planning done with, just needed a dress and invitations.

"This year," she agreed and kissed me

I held her closer and pecked her head. "Are you on the pill?"

Way to blurt things out, Harry. Nice going.

"Actually, I got off of it," she mumbled.

"Why?" Stop asking questions, Harry.

"Because. I want to be able to have kids with you," she said, biting her lip.

My heart jumped and I looked at her, "Kids?"

"I mean... Later maybe. I don't know. I can get back on if you want," she said,  looking at me.

"No, baby. I just... It's killing me. I want to make love to you. Right now. I want to break this bed and have you screaming. But I don't have any condoms," I smirked.

She flushed. "I'll find some tonight. Then that can happen."

I smiled and kissed her. Then she looked at the time. "2 hours till the party, I need to get ready,"


She stood up and walked past the mirror. Then she stopped and looked at herself, her skin glowing, looking golden from the sun peeking in through the curtains.

"Hazza?" she said.

"Yes, my love?"

"You... You marked me," she squeaked.

Hell yeah I did. I left 3 marks on her. Her collarbone, behind her ear and on her stomach.

"Your mine. I just wanted to make that clear," I shrugged, eyeing her down.

Her body was beautiful. Her standing there naked. I got up and wrapped my arms around her. She smiled and turned in them, kissing me

"Harry, you are so dead!" Niall rushed through the door.

He had a key?

Emma turned around and screamed, hiding behind me.

"Dude?!" I hid her. He turned around.

"Management is pissed. Better get dressed and go down to conference room 302,"

He walked out and I looked at Emma. This meant trouble.

"Baby.." she said, worry shining through her eyes.

"I'll take the consequences, I don't care. I can't be seperated from you," I said, kissing her and leaving her in the hotel room.

I walked down to the conference room, walked in, saw a very upset Liam, and a very angry manager.

"Harry," his loud voice boomed.

"Yeah?" I spoke clearly. Screw being afraid. I knew this was going to happen, so might as well face it, right?

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