Chapter 1 - The beginning

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Hii I hope you like my new fanfic, a few warnings before I start, this fanfic is set in an alternate universe kinda where some things are different like Cha Young's father doesn't die, she keeps working at Wusang, Han Seok doesn't own the babel and he's not a psychopath, Vincenzo is still from the mafia and he buys the plaza because of the gold. This fanfic is about Cha Young's past until she knew Vincenzo and then their relationship, of course none of this is true, I was just inspired to write about her. This fanfic is also a bit mafia-focused.


17-year-old Hong Cha Young hated her life, her father, her friends, school, her appearance, everything, she hated everything.

To say that adolescence was a period of change was an understatement, now she had real problems, not like before when she had a scraped knee or what time she had to wake up in the morning to not miss her favorite show.

Before, it was enough to ask her mother to kiss her grated knee for the pain to go away, now that wasn't enough because her mother was dead, and her problems were much bigger.

These days that was all part of the past, which she didn't like to think about anymore because it reminded her of her mom.
But she would also really like to go back to that time and not have to worry about how she looks and her grades and boys, because that was the only thing the girls at her school thought about and cared about.

What was extremely tiring because Cha Young didn't consider herself pretty like them, her hair was short as well as her bangs, she was teased for it at school and for wearing round glasses that covered half of her face, it wasn't like she had money to fix it, her dad worked very hard to try to give her a good life , but it was difficult since he earned little money working in a small law firm in the village.

" Cha Young, dinner is on the table" Her dad said opening the bedroom door and taking her out of her thoughts.

Dinner? Cha Young didn't even realize that so much time had passed since she had sat at the table to study.

"I'm not hungry" she replied avoiding eye contact with her dad.

"Come eat Cha Young " Her dad insisted.

" Abeoji I'm not hungry" she said visibly irritated.

Her dad simply closed the bedroom door and left without further insistence, they haven't had a good relationship since her mother's death, and it's definitely gotten worse since Cha Young entered adolescence.

When she was a child, she was daddy's little girl, she was always the apple of his eye, he did everything for his daughter, and she was glued to him.
Until her mother died or until her father let her die and Cha Young never forgave him for this because she is stubborn just like her mother was.
Her stomach rumbled, she was hungry but didn't want to eat, going a day or two without eating wasn't such a bad idea, right? Cha Young thought to herself , maybe she could finally look more like the girls in her class.
The next day Cha Young left to go to school as she did every day after her father left for work, she only grabbed an apple to eat along the way.
Cha Young always walked to the bus stop, her school was far from her house and her father didn't have a car to take her, so her options were to take the bus or walk.

She didn't have many friends just one girl who was considered weird, at least she didn't have to eat alone at lunchtime. Sometimes she tried to be friends with the popular girls, so she did whatever they asked, also because she was often afraid of them.

"Hong Cha Young hi " the girl waved to her as she got on the bus and Cha Young waved back pushing her glasses up on her nose.

Of course, everyone on the bus laughed as soon as she got on, Cha Young was the laughingstock of forever, not even when her mother died they stop, not that her classmates knew her mother had died, it wasn't like they cared anyway.

Cha Young sighed, trying to ignore the laughter and gurgles in the background as she leaned her head against the bus window, looking out, watching the little drops of rainwater roll down the window, just like when she was a kid and was driving back with her parents she liked to watch the drops and make little runs between them, in those moments the past didn't seem so far away.

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