Chapter 31- Postcards

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Cha Young knew that her life had begun long before Vincenzo entered it, and brought all the chaos with him. But the lawyer couldn't remember that time, in fact she could, but they were memories that she preferred to forget, they were lonely memories, not that she didn't like her own company, but feeling alone was terrifying and somehow she really appreciated it. all that chaos.

It took her a week to get out of the hospital, luckily she wasn't alone, her father hadn't left her side for a second, not understanding how Vincenzo had left he daughter and broken her heart, Yu Chan promised to kill him.

The Jang brothers also visited her almost every day, Han Seok updated her on all the cases that came into the wusang, at Cha Young's request, she needed something to distract herself and there was nothing better than work.

All the residents of the plaza asked questions of how? why? where he was and if he would come back, there was no way Cha Young could answer that, she couldn't reveal to everyone that he had run away to deal with mafia problems, she also didn't know when and if he would come back, not even Vincenzo had the sure of that.

Cha Young couldn't be alone after leaving the hospital, her shoulder wasn't completely healed and she couldn't move her arm, she needed help and her father offered to take care of her. Cha Young reluctantly accepted, as much as she wanted to be alone, she couldn't deny that she needed help.

The lawyer asked her father to leave her at the plaza apartment, with the pretext that he needed to get some clothes and things. Cha Young's surprise was enormous when she came across the empty apartment, only her things remained there, all of Vincenzo's things had been taken.

A tear ran down her face and she felt her stomach drop, it was as if he had never been there.
All his belongings were taken except one, a blue coat, the same blue coat that Vincenzo had worn when he saw her crying on the steps of the plaza, before leaving her at home, on the day he helped her reconcile with her father.

Cha Young held the coat to his chest, hugging it, it still smelled like him. She held him as she cried, remembering all the memories and moments they had spent together. Vincenzo had warned her from the beginning, the lawyer was perfectly aware of their situation, there was no way they could be together, it was practically impossible, but deep in her heart she believed in the small possibility of them being able to make this relationship work.

“Cha Young?” Her father interrupted her when he entered the room, while she was crying, holding Vincenzo's coat.

Cha Young wiped her tears with her sleeve. “You didn’t need to out of the car, I’m going now.”

Yu Chan sighed when he saw his daughter in that state, there was nothing that hurt him more than seeing her heartbroken.

They finished packing the rest of Cha Young's things into boxes, her clothes, accessories, some hair and makeup products. The lawyer finished packing the last box of clothes, Vincenzo's coat underneath her clothes. Cha Young seriously thought about leaving him behind, but it was her only memory of him.

"It's the last?" Yu Chan asked and Cha Young nodded. The lawyer took the box and took it to the car, leaving his daughter alone in the apartment.

Cha Young took one last look at the apartment before locking the door, a lone tear running down her face. She sighed and closed that door for the last time, leaving behind her relationship along with all the memories of it.

1 year later…

The recovery had been quite quick, she had the stitches removed 15 days after the surgery and two months later she was fully recovered and living alone again, as she had spent the last few months in her childhood home with her father, always counting on her friends to help her.

She had not lost contact with the residents of the plaza, visiting her father's office whenever possible, Vincenzo wrote to her through postcards that arrived every month at the plaza. At first Cha Young believed that they were not for her, but after much insistence from Mr. Nam in translating the messages written in Italian, she finally realized that they were for her, many times they were small poems, other times just meaningless sentences but there was always something in common, all of them talked about love. Perhaps proof that Vincenzo Cassano had not forgotten her.

Cha Young tried her best to ignore them by telling Mr. Nam to throw them away, but he kept them all carefully hung on the office bulletin board, against Yu Chan's orders of course.

On that particular day Cha Young was happy and excited, she managed to win one of Wusang's most difficult cases, Vincenzo'smom case. She had enormous affection for the lady and had to control herself several times not to tell her that she knew who he son was, but it wasn't fair for either of them that she did so.

"How it was?" her father asked as she entered the law firm.

“I did it, we won the case.” She responded excitedly and Yu Chan pulled her into a hug, placing a kiss on her head.

“I knew you could do it, I'm very proud of you” Cha Young smiled back at her father, their relationship got better every day and she couldn't be happier.

“Miss Hong.” Mr. Nam said, entering the firm and interrupting the moment. “This has come for you.” He said pointing to the postcard.

"Another one?" Yu Chan questioned.

Cha Young took the postcard thanking him with a brief smile, she turned the card over to see what was written but it was blank.

“It doesn’t have anything written on it.” She said trying to convince herself that she wasn't disappointed.

“Ah, I forgot, that came with it.” Mr. Nam responded by handing over an invitation and receiving a disapproving look from Mr. Hong.

Cha Young analyzed the invitation carefully, it was to an art gallery about an Italian exhibition.
Yu Chan who read the invitation over his daughter’s shoulder asked “are you going?”

"Perhaps." Cha Young responded feeling a mix of emotions. "Do you want to come with me?" she asked and her father refused.

Cha Young tried not to create expectations, she told herself several times that Vincenzo wouldn't be there, she didn't want to break her heart again, but something told her otherwise. So she got ready, wearing a new black dress that showed one of her shoulders, the one that didn't contain the scar, which she had bought just for that occasion.

Her hands were sweating and her heart was beating frantically as she tried to tell herself that everything was okay and he wouldn't be there.

“War and art are best appreciated from afar.” Said a voice behind her.

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