Chapter 7 - Vincenzo Cassano

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Hii, I know the day to post was yesterday but I was very tired so please forgive me! Just remembering here that Han Seok is not a psycho in this fanfic :) and also words in bold are him speaking English


Years later...

The clatter of heels against the ground echoed through the ancient corridors of the plaza, the force with which they were clapped and the speed indicated that the person was furious at the very least, which was definitely an understatement for how Cha Young was feeling for her father at that time. 

Behind her Jang Han Seok or rather Jang Joon Woo as he is called by colleagues at Wusang, so that no one finds out that he is the eldest son of the former president of Babel Pharmaceuticals, which his younger brother was now managing, strode trying to keep the same pace as Cha Young.

"Sunbae, don't you think you're a little stressed?" he questioned running to stand in front of her. "You know this is not good for your health."

"Shut up." She aggressively replied "I don't remember inviting you to come with me do I?"

"No sunbae" he replied sounding like a kid who's just been caught stealing candy. "Do you think Mr. Is Han going to be mad because we are hanging out during work hours?"

"Who says I'm not working?" She questioned back finally arriving at the door of the Japuragi.

"You are?" Han Seok was definitely confused.

"I'm here to resolve legal matters." Cha Young responded by opening the door and entering the office as if everything belonged to her.

Her father, who was reading some papers, let out a frustrated sigh as soon as he heard the click of heels, without having to lift his head to know who the person was.

"Miss Hong." Mr. Nam was the first to speak as he always did, he had a huge affection for her, after all he practically saw her grow up, Cha Young smiled at him while Han Seok behind her bowed politely.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Yu Chan asked without paying attention to her.

"Abeoji would you like to explain yourself?" She asked rhetorically, because actually she knew very well what it was about. Cha Young very aggressively placed a large brown envelope with several papers inside on the table.

"I don't have to explain, you said yourself that I'm not your father anymore so I thought I'd relieve you of family duties." Yu Chan responded by finally lifting his head to look in his daughter's direction, just smiling wryly.

"As a lawyer you should know that this is no longer legal abeoji." She responded by tapping her foot.

"I know, but it was worth a try." Cha Young huffed in anger upon hearing her father's reply.

She was ready to argue back when a knock on the door was heard, all eyes in the office turned towards the door anxiously. Yu Chan knew that if it was a resident of the building they would have just opened the door and walked in like her daughter had  done.

A foreign man opened the door for another man to enter, but this one was definitely Korean, both of them dressed in completely black couture suits that Cha Young immediately recognized as booralro. She was confused, what were they doing in the plaza? And most importantly who were they?

"Vincenzo Cassano, sir, the owner of the building and this is Lucca." The Korean said extending his hand to Yu Chan.

"Vinchenzo Quassano?" Cha Young tried to repeat his name, failing miserably, which provoked a laugh from Han Seok that was soon contained by the lawyer's death glare.

"Hong Yu Chan" He extended his hand back towards the korean. "Lawyer and owner of the Japuragi law firm and chairman of the residents' commission against the demolition of the building."

"You call this a law firm?" she let out a laugh receiving a disapproving look from her father.

"I'm sorry, this is my daughter." Yu Chan pointed at her. "Hong Cha Young."

"Now am I your daughter?" she questioned ironically, Vincenzo just looked at her rather uninterested and Yu Chan ignored it sighing.

"What brings you here Mr. Cassano?"

"The demolition of the plaza." Vincenzo stated and Cha Young furrowed her brows in confusion, was the plaza being demolished? Why didn't she know about it?

"Ah yes" Yu Chan pushed his glasses back on his nose, in moments like this Cha Young missed being close to her father, she did the exact same thing when she was a teenager. "The residents are very concerned since we received the notification from the city hall."

"I see, I am worried too." Cha Young was more and more confused, he appeared to be quite rich why was he so worried about an insignificant building?

"Don't you have work to do?" Yu Chan stated pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Yes sunbae come on, Mr. Han will kill us." Han Seok responded by speaking for the first time since he arrived there.

"Let's go." she replied turning her back with disdain to the men present without bothering to say goodbye to them.

Han Seok soon followed like a puppy as they walked out of the plaza.

"Don't you think that's weird?" The lawyer questioned while they walked.

"Um, what?

"This guy, I never understood why he bought the plaza in the first place and now he's so worried? No, this is too weird." She replied making a thoughtful face.

"Do you know what I think?" Cha Young looked at him somewhat curiously. "You're worried about your dad, but you're too proud to admit it." Han Seok responded by crossing his arms but soon getting slapped by Cha Young on the head. "Auch sunbae that hurts." he rubbed his head grimacing.

"I need you to investigate him."

"What, but why?" he questioned, but Cha Young was no longer paying attention to him, she just walked away. "Cha Young the car is on the other side" he shouted.

Cha Young just turned around and skipped towards the car, this time in the right direction.


Let me know what you think, comments are love.

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