Chapter 13 - Losing Consciousness

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The car ride with Vincenzo was smooth, nobody said a word, Cha Young tried several times but she really didn't know what to say and the Italian was too lost
in his own thoughts to pay attention.

As soon as they arrived, Vincenzo escorted her to the door on the pretense of being a gentleman, not that Cha Young minded, she liked that sort of thing.

"Have a good night Miss Hong." he said then turning away not wasting too much time.

Cha Young looked at him a little irritated, it was hard to understand that man sometimes.

Vincenzo walked back to his car preparing to open the door while watching out of the corner of his eye, Hong Cha Young entered the house safely.

The same black car with the same license plate was this time parked near the building where the Wusang lawyers, including Cha Young, lived.

It wasn't a coincidence, it couldn't be a coincidence, not that Vincenzo believed them but this time he was sure.

Without thinking twice he took out his cell phone to call Lucca.


Cha Young threw her shoes on the floor anyway without bothering to tidy them up or put on her slippers like she always did, after all it was her house and it wasn't like anyone visited her often.

She groped along the wall until she found the light switch.

Cha Young felt a cool breeze in the apartment and the curtains in the living room swayed in the wind. Cha Young frowned in confusion, the lawyer didn't remember leaving the windows open, but didn't give it much importance since sometimes she managed to be quite forgetful.

Cha Young then went to the bedroom, taking off her coat and starting to unbutton her shirt. She was sure she heard footsteps, the wooden floor creaking.

But it was impossible right? There was no one there. That's what she thought as she looked around the room.

Even so, she still had a small bad feeling, a feeling that someone was watching her and it sent shivers down her spine.

The lawyer gave up finishing unbuttoning her blouse and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water to calm down. Once again there was no one and Cha Young sighed realizing that it was just in her head.

But she was wrong, as soon as she finished filling her glass of water, two men came out from behind the curtains, completely dressed in black wearing a mask over their faces.

Cha Young's brain completely stopped thinking, her body locked up and the only thing she could feel was her heart beating fast, so fast that she could hear the pounding in her ears.

Like a movie, everything moved in slow motion to the lawyer's eyes, the glass falling, water and glasses flying everywhere, the two men moving. That's when Cha Young hit an adrenaline rush and ran and ran away from them.

Stepping on broken glass with her feetbarefoot, she mentally cursed herself for not wearing her slippers.

Grabbing the first thing the lawyer saw, she tried to defend herself from the assailants, who soon laughed at her when they realized that she was holding a back scratcher.

Panting Cha Young turned her head as soon as she heard a knock on the door, a third man also dressed in black opened it.

"We have a problem." he said before being tackled to the ground by Vincenzo.

Cha Young gasped, releasing the air she didn't know she was holding, feeling much more relieved to see Vincenzo's presence.

"Are you okay?" he questioned looking at her with a worried expression.

Cha Young just nodded her head still holding the back scratcher.

Vincenzo didn't have time to respond when one of the men came towards him and the other towards Cha Young. The Italian easily knocking him down, but not the lawyer.

She screamed running from him as she swung the back scratcher trying to attack him.

Vincenzo took her by the arms.

“Go scratch your back over there.” he gently pushed her into the corner so she was safe and he could get the other man down.

One of the assailants threw a hammer at Cha Young, who froze in fear, not knowing what to do. Her head was screaming run, but her muscles just wouldn't move and she was sure her life was going to end right there. Until she felt a body bumping against hers and pushing her onto the couch. The lawyer opened her eyes to find Vincenzo on top of her, her body crushed by his, one hand gently cupping her head while the other rested on her waist.

The three soon fled and Vincenzo quickly got up from the couch to follow them. Cha Young got off the couch, feeling dizzy from getting up too quickly, holding on Vincenzo's arm to stop him from leaving the apartment.

"Please don't go" she said breathlessly gripping his arm even tighter.

Her vision became blurred with a few black dots appearing, the lawyer could feel the drops sweat running down your face.

“Miss Hong I need to go after them.” The Italian replied without taking his eyes off the door.

Before she could answer Cha Young felt a nausea take over her and her vision went blank.

Hong Cha Young fell to the ground after losing consciousness, before she could hit her head Vincenzo carefully caught her.

“Miss Hong?” he held her shoulders and gently shook her, letting the worry wash over him. “Cha Young?” he called her again, analyzing every part of her body desperately searching for any sign of injury.

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