Chapter 16 - "Have you killed?"

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Cha Young couldn't sleep maybe because she was in the same division as Vincenzo Cassano or because she was afraid of those men coming back,
rationally she blamed the second.

She huffed tossing and turning on the couch for the thousandth time.

"You are annoying." Vincenzo said in a sleepy voice.

"Not my fault, your sofa is hard."

"I paid for a perfectly fine hotel room for you to stay." He responded by turning to face her.

"I'm sorry." she murmured.

Vincenzo huffed irritably, then a silence ensued, he was already awake and it didn't look like she was going to sleep anytime soon so he decided to create a little conversation.

"It's not chickens, it's pigeons, his name is Inzaghi."

"What?" Cha Young frowned in confusion. "Did you adopt a pigeon?" she questioned making a disgusted face.

"No." he rolled his eyes. "He always pecks at my window at night, so I feed him." Vincenzo answered as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

"Why is he in your room then?"

"I left the window open and he probably came in with his friend."

"Cool, a pigeon is luckier than me." she replied almost in a whisper, but not quite enough as Vincenzo could hear.


"Hm? Nothing." She answered and Vincenzo just shrugged. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Is the mafia like in the movies?"

Vincenzo frowned, not that he knew what kind of movies she'd watched, but it wasn't the same, it was a lot worse, a thousand times worse, but he definitely wasn't willing to tell the truth.

"Hm, more or less."

Not happy with the answer Cha Young decided to try one more.

"Have you killed?" she asked biting her lip.

Vincenzo's eyes widened feeling his breath hitch, he couldn't answer, there was no way he could even answer with the truth.

The Italian took a deep breath before answering.


"I am glad." She responded visibly relieved.

"Would you think less of me if I had?" he questioned feeling his hands sweat from nervousness.


Perhaps, that word echoed in Vincenzo's head like thunder. What did she mean by that? Maybe it meant yes right?

No one said anything else, the apartment was completely silent for the rest of the night, only the noises of Inzaghi and his friend the dove could be heard. Vincenzo couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, he told himself it was the pigeons' fault, but he knew perfectly well that that wasn't the real reason.


Cha Young was at the courthouse door ready to go in and begin Ms. Oh when she noticed his presence. She was extremely confused as to what he could be doing there. She thought he might be there to protect her? No, definitely not, this was too much.

"Mr. Cassano?" she questioned moving towards him somewhat puzzled.

"Miss Hong." he greeted her with a smile.

"Why are you here?"

Vincenzo couldn't come up with an excuse, there was no escape, he could try, but he didn't have the heart to lie to her again, not after so many lies he'd already told.

"Just taking care of personal matters, but I was on my way out, have a good day Miss Hong." He left, without even waiting for her to answer, he left before she could do more questions, he left leaving a very curious Cha Young behind, only smelling his expensive cologne in the air.


The day had passed peacefully like all the others, the trial had gone well, but of course Mr. Cassano had not left her mind.

She was going home now, to his home actually, to sleep in the sheets, with his scent, how could she not think about him? It was impossible.

Cha Young knocked on the door a few times, but no one opened it, so she decided to call his cell phone but nothing happened.

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