Chapter 14 - Lies

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Cha Young thought she was dreaming, her body was lying on something soft, it looked a lot like her bed, her eyes were closed, and someone was running a hand over her hair. The lawyer was almost going back to sleep until she remembered past events, someone had entered her house and Vincenzo protected her.

She should have been worried about the fact that someone had entered her house, but for some reason she could only think of Vincenzo protecting her more precisely protecting her with his body, Cha Young mentally cursed herself for only thinking about that.

The lawyer opened her eyes, but quickly frowned upon realizing that she wasn't in her room or in her house. She was in an all-white room, with soft beeps humming in the background and several wires attached to her. Hong Cha Young was in the hospital.

"Finally, you woke up." Her father stated looking at her with a smile on his face, Cha Young then realized that he was the one running his hand through her hair.

"Abeoji...what happened?" she questioned a bit confused. "Where is Mr. Cassano?" she asked looking around the room looking for him.

"You fainted Cha Young, due to stress." Yu Chan stated. "Mr. Cassano needed to deal with some matters, why the question?

Cha Young tried to formulate an answer in her head, but she realized she didn't have one, she was just thinking about him.

"Because.... Because he was with me." she replied stuttering.

"I know, he was the one who took you to the hospital and called me to tell me what happened." Her father answered back. "There is something I don't understand."

"What?" she frowned curiously.

"How did he know those men were in your house."

Cha Young looked at her father carefully, she was so busy thinking about the way he protected her that it hadn't even crossed her mind.

"Do you think he knew them?" he questioned at her lack of response.

"I don't know abeoji..." Cha Young was a great liar, except with her father, he always knew when she was lying, not that she was this time, but the lawyer was sure that these men were related to the mafia.

A knock was heard on the door and it was soon opened when Vincenzo entered holding a bunch of flowers.

"What?..." Cha Young tried to question, but soon the question died on her lips, and she swallowed hard.

"Why did you buy my daughter flowers?" Yu Chan questioned in a defensive tone.

"'s just a gift." he responded by loosening his tie.

"Abeoji." Cha Young practically screamed. "Could you get me some water please?" she asked pouting, Yu Chan nodded and left her hospital room, even though he knew it was just an excuse for Cha Young to be alone with Vincenzo.

"How are you?" he questioned getting closer to her bed and depositing the flowers on the side table.

"Hm yes." She replied, feeling her cheeks burn at the memory of the way his body fit hers so perfectly. "You didn't have to." She said pointing to the flowers with her head.

"I needed..." he replied avoiding her gaze and loosening his tie again.

Cha Young recognized his look and the tone in his voice perfectly as guilt.

"Those men." Cha Young started and Vincenzo looked at her apprehensively. "They were mafia right?" she asked, not needing to hear an answer as the change in Vincenzo's facial expression indicated that she was right.

Vincenzo paused for a few seconds, choosing his words carefully, he considered lying, but he didn't have that right, not when she was the one in a hospital bed because of him.

"Miss Hong I..." he exhaled frustratedly feeling guilt wash over him. "yeah, they were mafia."

"Why?" she questioned, and Vincenzo frowned. "Why me?"

"I don't know, I'm still trying to figure it out." he replied looking away.

Cha Young didn't answer, she just laid her head on the pillow looking at the ceiling while Vincenzo remained silent looking out the window. Inside that room full of unspoken words Cha Young knew perfectly well that the Italian was lying.


I'm sorry for the delay in posting but honestly I'm a little unmotivated to continue this fanfic which led to a creative block.

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