Butterfly Effect - The End

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Words in bold mean they are speaking in English.


Cha Young was desperate and possibly regretting her decision, the whole airport was confusing, the signs were in a language she didn't understand and her English wasn't that good.

She saw a woman behind and a counter that she could recognize some words as 'boat tickets'. That was exactly what she needed.

Cha Young approached the woman quite hesitantly.

 "Hi excuse me can you help me?" she asked, doing her best to speak English, wishing for the first time that Han Seok was on her side, after all he had lived in the United States.

"Yes of course, what do you need?" The woman asked with a smile.

"A boat ticket to Pagliuzza please."

The woman's smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"I am sorry but only authorized person's can go there."

"Oh" Cha Young said in surprise. "I know the owner actually."

"I am sorry, are you?"

Cha Young handed the woman her passport, maybe if she saw that she was also Korean, she would believe her.

"Oh my God I am so sorry." Cha Young didn't understand why she was apologizing. "Here is your ticket have a nice trip."

The lawyer thanked her, feeling very confused, it was not possible for that woman to know who she was, right?

An hour later she arrived on the island, Cha Young thought the worst part was over but she was very wrong.

The exit from the boat was full of unfriendly men wearing black suits and holding weapons.

Cha Young handed her passport and boat ticket to one of the men, her hands were shaking, she felt like vomiting, she had never been so nervous in her life as she was now.

A few minutes later, after Cha Young questioned all her decisions, Lucca appeared among the men. The lawyer let out a sigh, feeling less nervous, with the presence of someone she knew.

"Hello, Miss Hong, welcome to our island." He said smiling at her and Cha Young smiled back.

"Thank you."

"Please follow me." Cha Young nodded and followed him until he reached the main house on the island, it was a huge mansion and Vincenzo's house, Cha Young assumed.

Cha Young was wrong, her nervousness had returned, but this time for different reasons, she was scared and what if Vincenzo didn't want her there? What if he sent her away? She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed that Lucca had stopped walking and they were behind a closed door, Cha Young took several deep breaths as Lucca knocked on the door and then she heard his voice.

Lucca moved so that Cha Young could enter, she felt her legs shaking and her knees were weak.

Vincenzo looked up from the computer as soon as Cha Young entered his field of vision, he opened his eyes wide, not believing what he was seeing, it wasn't possible, Hong Cha Young was right there in front of her eyes.

"You invited me." It was the only thing she could think of at that moment.

"I did." He replied back still in disbelief.

"I thought you forgot, you took a while and I..hm..I'm sorry" She stuttered.

Vincenzo quickly moved to stand in front of her and silenced her with a kiss, to which Cha Young responded immediately.

"I'm sorry, I thought you didn't want to come." He said pulling her close, placing his forehead against hers.

"Why wouldn't I want to?"

"Because..." he sighed, looking away from her "You know what I do and you deserve better, I don't want to put you in danger, besides I left you for a year, you don't deserve that and I...I don't deserve love, villains don't deserve love."

"I know." She nodded, ignoring the tears that were trying to fall. "I don't care what I deserve, but what I want and I want you because regardless of everything you make me very happy."

"I do? "He questioned practically whispering while looking into her eyes, as if she were his entire world, as if he needed her to live.

"You do." She nodded.

"Cha Young I...you...how can you live here and deal with what I do every day, you could be in danger." Vincenzo said, moving away and pulling heavily on his tie.

"I'm happy with you, nothing else matters, other than that you can protect me right, this island is surrounded by armed men who work for you, everything will be fine." Cha Young walked over and held his face with both hands.

"Are you sure?"

"I am." She smiled. "I don't think you're a villain and I won't leave you alone, ever again."

"I love you." Vincenzo said caressing her cheek.

"I waited a long time to hear this, I love you too."

"Hong Cha Young, will you marry me?" he questioned.

Cha Young choked, marry Vincenzo Cassano?

"I... I will" A smile crossed her lips and Vincenzo smiled back, pulling her affectionately for a kiss. "Thank you for turning my life upside down and bringing it the chaos." The lawyer kissed him back.

If someone told Cha Young that the day she went to her father's office, after her ex broke up with her and her father told her that an Italian was going to buy the building and that years later she would be living with this Italian, she would probably say that this person was crazy and that this was impossible, but in the end it really happened, after all this was the chaos theory, the butterfly effect in Cha Young's life.

"The flapping of a simple butterfly's wings can influence the natural course of things and trigger a hurricane on the other side of the world."

Cha Young's life began long before the flutter of a butterfly's wings, but she only began to truly live it after that. An Italian mobster buys a simple building and on the other side of the world, in Korea, a "hurricane" is unleashed, turning Wusang's lawyer's life upside down. The flapping of a butterfly's wings starts everything, but it can also end everything.

The end....


Hi, I know that the title of the chapter says end but it is not the last chapter, as I told some people I will post the epilogue of this story which will be kind of an extra chapter, so please wait.

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