Chapter 3 - Cupcakes

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Tw: Bullying


Maybe she was starting to feel things that she probably shouldn't feel for him, but Cha Young didn't even knew if he felt the same.

She definitely wasn't proud of what she did afterwards, the time she spent cooking those stupid cupcakes, Cha Young didn't knew how to cook without catching fire in the kitchen, but she really tried this time, she had never tried so hard for something.

That's why several hours later her kitchen was looking like a crime scene, flour, eggs, chocolate and whipped cream scattered everywhere, several dirty bowls in the sink, Yoo Chan was going to kill her as soon as he got home but Cha Young was happy with her new friend to worry about it.

She had made a bunch of chocolate cupcakes topped with cream. They weren't pretty, but what mattered was the taste. Cha Young carefully placed them in a box, looking forward to the next day.


Cha Young carried the box with her cupcakes carefully the whole way, even on the bus she tried to be as careful as possible so no one accidentally bumped into her.

Not to mention that it took her longer to get ready, even her father was surprised at how happy she was that morning.

But obviously he didn't question it because all he wanted most was for his relationship with his daughter to get back to normal.

As soon as she stepped into the school her eyes searched desperately for him, until she found him and as if she were living in a drama her eyes met his and Cha Young could swear he smiled showing his perfect white teeth and waved at her in slow motion.

She didn't notice when she moved or how she got to him but somehow she did.

"Hi Do-Yun" she smiled pushing her glasses up.

"Hey" he returned the smile and said goodbye to the other girl he was talking to, who looked her up and down laughing before walking away.

"I have something for you" she finally said it not knowing where she had gotten the courage to do it after having spent several hours practicing in front of the mirror.

"Oh really?" He scratched his head awkwardly and Cha Young just nodded in response. "Let's go then" he smiled and his hand went down to the small of her back to guide her.

"Where are we going?" Cha Young questioned confused, they had never been to that part of the school before.

"Just sit on the stool" he replied pointing his finger which Cha Young followed with her eyes to an old wooden bench in the middle of the trees. "You said you had something for me."

"Ah yes" she smiled shyly holding out the box of cupcakes to him.

"Wow" he replied fascinated looking at the cardboard box with the cupcakes inside. "Did you do it yourself?" he questioned.

"Aham" she stated pushing her glasses up "I hope you like it". She said playing nervously with her hands.

Cha Young tried to analyze Do Yun's facial expression, he had been silent for some time, was there a problem, did he not like the present?

"It's to thank you for being so kind to me" she said with his shy voice fixing her eyes on some random spot on the floor.

Cha Young cautiously waited for him to say something, until she saw his face change. A smile appeared on Do Yun's face, what looked like a smile turned into a laugh that soon turned into a lot of laughter.

She definitely wasn't getting it, why was he laughing?

"You are ridiculous" Do Yun replied still laughing.

"What? But why...?" Cha Young tried to question the reason but only a few shaky words came out of her mouth.

"Hong Cha Young you are a real idiot, I don't want your ridiculous cakes" he stated as Cha Young stared at him still in disbelief at the quick change.

Do Yun ripped off the lid throwing it in a corner onto the grass and examined the cupcakes again letting out a high-pitched laugh and simply threw the box on top of her tipping the cupcakes all over it smearing icing and chocolate on her school uniform.

Cha Young took a step back trying to get rid of the dirt, which didn't work.

Hearing a rustling of leaves and footsteps stepping on the small wooden branches that were on the ground, Cha Young lifted her head and saw with her vision blurred due to unshed tears, Eun-Ji and her two friends appearing from behind the bushes with the cell phone pointing at Cha Young and laughing uncontrollably.

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