Chapter 19 - Nightmare

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They had kissed the day before but nothing else, after that Vincenzo just asked her what she wanted to eat for breakfast, without mentioning the kiss or anything else and Cha Young couldn't stop thinking about it.

That's why she couldn't sleep, the lawyer rolled over in the sheets several times, the sheets that had his scent which made things even more difficult. How could that kiss mean nothing to him?

Vincenzo always had the sofa, despite Cha Young's various protests that he could sleep on the bed the Italian didn't budge, she wasn't even suggesting they sleep together, despite that briefly crossing her mind.

During one of the failed attempts to sleep, Cha Young heard voices, she couldn't figure out what it was, but it was definitely someone talking, more precisely Vincenzo.

She thought maybe he was talking on the phone. So like the good curious person she was, she decided to get out of bed carefully on tiptoe so as not to make any noise and open the bedroom door.

As she did so, she came across Vincenzo Cassano asleep on the couch, Cha Young came closer to check if he was really sleeping.

His forehead was creased and his eyes narrowed, he was definitely dreaming about something, Cha Young deduced it was a nightmare from the way his features looked anguished.

The lawyer thought about waking him up, but it was quite late and he needed to sleep so she decided to run her hand through his hair, in an attempt to calm him down, perhaps? She remembered her mother always doing this when she was little and it was a nice feeling.

Cha Young crouched down to be at his height, even with the little moonlight entering the room, she could see him perfectly. Cha Young smiled thinking to herself how handsome and attractive he was.

Carefully she brought her hand to his hair, running her fingers through the strands and lightly scratching the scalp. The lawyer felt him relax under her touch and her smile widened even further. This only lasted a few minutes as Vincenzo soon returned to mumble several words that Cha Young couldn't understand, she only identified as Italian.

Cha Young decided to wake up Vincenzo as her attempt to calm him down had failed miserably. She put both hands on his shoulders and shook him until he finally opened his eyes.

It was the little girl with the teddy bear again, Vincenzo had lost count of the number of times he had dreamed of her, her screams and crying, everything was vividly engraved in the Italian's mind, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't forget.

Vincenzo didn't realize he was thrashing wildly until he woke up with Cha Young holding his shoulders.

“You were having a nightmare.” Cha Young said with wide eyes of concern following his every move.

"I'm sorry." He said running a hand through his hair.

“Why are you apologizing? It wasn't your fault.”

"Didn't mean to wake you up." Vincenzo felt bad for interrupting her sleep.

"It's okay, I couldn't sleep anyway." Cha Young smiled affectionately perhaps in an attempt to comfort him, even with the lack of light the Italian could see her gentle smile.

"Do you want to talk about it? My mom always told me it helps if you talk about it.” she suggested.

Vincenzo looked at her and found the same kind look as always, but also curious.

The Italian moved to sit on the sofa, motioning for Cha Young to sit next to him.

She was still looking at him, intently, not looking away for a second.

Vincenzo sighed, hiding his face in his hands, thinking for a few moments if he should tell the truth once and for all, it was bothering him too much, fear was tormenting him, the fear of Cha Young moving away, but maybe it was better this way, after all he believed he didn't deserve to love.

"I lied. I lied to you, over and over again." he didn't have the courage to look at her, he just fixed his gaze on any point on the wall.

Cha Young felt her throat go dry, she definitely didn't expect this.

"What lies did you tell me?" she questioned feeling her voice trail off.

"Those mafia men were after you because of me, I put you in danger."

"It wasn't your fault, you couldn't have predicted it and you protected me." The lawyer responded by placing her hand on his arm and squeezing it lightly.

"Miss Hong, I lied when I told you that I had never killed." Cha Young felt him tense up. "I've killed, many times."

She sighed, closing her eyes tightly.

"I…I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything Miss Hong."

"As a lawyer I know perfectly well that justice often doesn't work and I know that the mafia does things differently." she took a deep breath trying to suppress the tears. "I don't agree with that but I think you're a good person."

"Do you think that?" Vincenzo looked at her in disbelief.

" Yes I think." She gave a small smile.

"Miss Hong…I…you know I am not going to stay in this country right?" He stated stuttering.

Cha Young felt the words hit her like a punch in the stomach, of course she knew that but she preferred not to think about it.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I don't want to hurt you, it's better if there's nothing between us."

"Then why did you kiss me?" she questioned feeling her eyes burn.

"I was confused, I'm sorry about that, I shouldn't have done it."

"Okay..I..Good night Sir Cassano." Cha Young got up from the couch towards the bedroom without being able to look at him, several tears rolled down her face.

Vincenzo didn't want to hurt her, but he needed to get her away before her feelings grew stronger. The fear that kept him from falling in love was stronger.


Cha Young doesn't have a day of peace, but I promise Vincenzo has a good reason to push her away.🫠🫠🫠

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