Chapter 18 - First Kiss

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Cha Young remained in disbelief on the couch, not moving, not breathing, it wasn't her intention to say those words.

She was just worried, incredibly worried, maybe he never knew how much, maybe he never knew how much he meant to her, even though they barely knew himself.

They weren't exactly intimate but at the same time it felt so natural to be by his side.

Once again Cha Young messed up, she just wanted to show concern but her impulsiveness made everything turn out completely opposite to what was planned.

Her eyes started to sting, wanting to cry and she bit her lip to stop it from happening.


It was almost dawn, there was still no trace of the sun or even sunbeams but the sky was not as dark as before, it was also not possible to see the bright stars anymore.

The only sound was the chirping of birds that were already awake, ready to fly out of their nests and start the day. Thing the lawyer wasn't ready to do.

She hadn't been able to sleep at all. Her eyes were puffy from crying all night, her dark circles were huge and quite visible, her head hurt too.

Cha Young was miserable, actually she felt miserable.

She got up from the couch, shuddering when her feet hit the cold floor. Cha Young went to the cupboard and pulled out one to drink some water and maybe take some medicine for her headache, because she definitely needed one.

The problem is that Cha Young was pretty clumsy most of the time and unfortunately for her, this was once. The glass slipped from her hand and fell to the floor before she could catch it.

Of course, as it was quite early and on the weekend, a single glass breaking made a giant noise capable of waking up the entire building.

Cha Young mentally cursed herself praying that Vincenzo wouldn't wake up, which obviously doesn't happen because the next minute he opened the bedroom door.

And if Cha Young thought she looked miserable, he looked twenty times worse than she did.

"Are you okay?" he questioned in his cracked voice of someone who had just woken up.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'll clean up." she crouched down starting to pick up the shards of glass and Vincenzo moved to help her.

After gathering the small pieces, Cha Young picked up a larger piece and the tip cut her finger, causing her to immediately drop the glass and hiss in pain.

"Ouch." she said blowing on the cut as blood flowed.

"Let me see." Vincenzo said diverting all his attention to her.

"It's just a little cut."

Despite her response Vincenzo drew her hand to him carefully, studying the cut.

Cha Young shivered with the movement, his hand was warm wrapped around hers, his skin was smooth and Cha Young felt goosebumps every time his fingertips touched her hand.

Carefully he let go of her hand and headed to the bathroom to get some things to bandage.

Cha Young remained motionless on the kitchen floor, completely forgetting about the pain in her finger.

Vincenzo returned with a few things to clean up her cut and Cha Young longed for the touch of his hand again.

He cleaned the cut gently, his hands were so soft and light that Cha Young didn't even feel it, he occasionally blew on the cut so she wouldn't feel the pain.

Vincenzo was completely absorbed in the cut and the lawyer was staring at him, taking in every detail of his face.

He finished the bandage looking up to meet hers, his eyes were bright and soft, Cha Young could swear her heart skipped a beat.

Vincenzo didn't look angry anymore and that calmed her down.

"I'm sorry." she said trying not to break eye contact.

"It'sokay, it's just a glass." he returned a sincere smile.

"I wasn't talking about that." she replied feeling her voice trail off.

Vincenzo frowned but then relaxed when he realized that she was referring to the earlier fight.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that."

Her eyes met again, his gaze on her so soft the lawyer wanted to cry.

"I was worried about you."

"With me?" he questioned doubtfully.

"Yes." she replied a little offended that he didn't believe her.


"Because...I don't know...I was worried...wondering if you were hurt, alone or dead..." she said the last part with her voice almost fading.

Her head was a complete mess of thoughts and she didn't know where to start.

"Do you care about me?" his eyes were wide in disbelief.

"Hm...more than you think." she replied feeling a tear roll down her face.

Vincenzo reached out, reaching her face and gently wiping the tear away with his thumb, taking his time to feel her soft skin a little longer.

"Miss Hong, villains don't deserve to love." he said with a sigh.

"You are not one."

He released a little nervous laugh.

"I am, Miss Hong you have no idea of the things I've done, you don't know me." he removed his hand from Cha Young's face, but she held his hand in the middle of hers.

"I know enough to..." her mouth stopped before she could complete the rest of the sentence, letting the words die in her throat, she wanted to say that she knew enough to like him, but it was too soon to admit it and maybe his feelings were not reciprocated.

Before she could think of anything else or try to formulate a sentence, Vincenzo walked over to her and kissed her.

His lips crashed against theirs, stunned the lawyer didn't have time to close her eyes. Their mouths fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces, his lips were soft and her breath was fresh, Cha Young felt warmth radiate throughout her body.

Kissing Vincenzo Cassano was like being in the clouds.

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