Chapter 25 - I love you

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Cha Young frowned, he was probably still worried about her.

She got up from her chair after looking in the mini mirror that she always carried in her bag, receiving curious looks from her friend.

"Where are you going?"

"It's non of your business." He responded by closing the door behind her.

Cha Young would be lying if she said that she didn't rush down the stairs in her stiletto heels to meet him, she didn't even wait for the elevator.

Vincenzo was there, standing in front of her, in his perfectly tailored blue suit, tugging at his tie like he always did when he was nervous. Cha Young then walked towards him, Vincenzo turned towards her when he heard the clicking of her heels echo in the Wusang parking lot, their eyes then met and they both smiled at the same time.

"Hi" Vincenzo said almost in a whisper and Cha Young noticed something strange about him, for the first time he seemed embarrassed.

"Hi" she replied back.

Vincenzo looked down trying to decide what to say first, it was then that Cha Young noticed that he was holding something behind his back, the lawyer stretched her head trying to peek, but the Italian moved so that she couldn't see, she looked back at him, but this time frowning and pouting.

"Well, hmm, I hope you like it." He said awkwardly handing her a small bag.

Normally Vincenzo was extremely confident, he was always sure of all his decisions and that was what led him to be chosen to be the right-hand man of the head of the Cassano family, the man the Capo trusted most. But when it came to Hong Cha Young, he seemed like a teenager in love, afraid of messing up or making a mistake or saying something he shouldn't have.

Cha Young didn't think twice before she took the paper bag from his hands and opened it, with an eyebrow raised and an air of suspicion and curiosity at the same time. She took a small black box out of the paper bag and opened it. The lawyer widened her eyes and felt her heart stop beating when she saw a pair of earrings and a diamond necklace that appeared to be extremely expensive.

"What? What's that for?" she questioned stuttering.

"It's for you." He cleared his throat. "It is your birthday."

The lawyer's expression changed drastically, her eyes lost their shine and a frown formed."How do you know?"

Vincenzo couldn't identify her tone of voice, she seemed upset, but her voice indicated a different feeling.

"Mr. Nam told me, I'm sorry I wish I had done something more." He said, not sure why he was apologizing.

"No, it's okay, I just..." she sighed. "I just don't care, it's not an important day."

"Of course it is, it's your birthday."

She let out a small nasal laugh. "I guess, don't you think you overdid it?" Cha Young questioned looking at the box still in her hand.

Vincenzo followed her gaze and took the small box from her hand, opened it carefully and took the necklace and placed it around her neck, while Cha Young held her hair with his free hand.

"It's not a gift, I just returned it to the rightful owner." He responded by tracing a line down her neck.

"You're an idiot." She rolled her eyes affectionately and gave him a small punch on the shoulder, who just laughed embarrassedly.

"What do you want? We can do anything you want."

Suddenly Cha Young's good mood disappeared, carried away by the small gust of wind that blew in the Wusang parking lot.

"I don't think you can do that." She responded by playing with the hem of her coat.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow.

"It would be unfair if I asked you to stay." Cha Young murmured and Vincenzo had to strain to hear, but he soon understood what she meant.

Not knowing how to respond, Vincenzo pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on top of her head, while she buried her face in his chest, trying to hold back her tears. He sighed before kissing the top of her head and whispering. "Ti amo per sempre tesoro."1

Cha Young heard his heart beat frantically beneath her ear and raised her head to meet his gaze.

"Translation?" she frowned and Vincenzo smirked in embarrassment.

"One day you will know the translation, but for now I can promise you one thing."

Cha Young pouted in annoyance, but soon curiosity got the better of her.


"I promise to come back to you."


1"I love you forever, honey"


I don't speak italian, i used the translater so sorry if someting is wrong, feel free to correct me.

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