Chapter 11 - Whatching you cry

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"Sunbae..." Han Seok looked at her carefully trying to see if she would like to be comforted right now.

"I am fine." she stated wiping the already dry tears on her face. " Everything is fine." she didn't know if she was convincing him or convincing herself that she was fine, when in fact she wasn't.

"You are sure?" he questioned insisting, Han Seok knew her well enough to know when she was lying.

"Yes I do, I need to do something first, you better go back without me." she replied sniffling.

It was a lie, Cha Young didn't need to solve anything but she definitely needed a few minutes to calm down and breathe.

She didn't trust herself at that moment to go back with Han Seok to the firm without breaking down in tears.

"Call me if you need anything." he gently squeezed her shoulder before leaving.

Jang Han Seok realized that she was clearly lying, but he also understood that she needed some time to herself.

If there was one thing he knew about Hong Cha Young, it was that she didn't like being vulnerable in front of other people.

She always seemed tough but deep down she was quite sensitive, although she never showed it.

Cha Young sat on the stairs at the back of the plaza after he left.

Her head was a mess, a whirlwind of thoughts going in and out all the time.

She relived the conversation with her father several times trying to figure out where she had gone wrong, she was just trying to protect her father, that's all.

She sniffled again with fresh tears threatening to fall as a small sob escaped her mouth.

"Why the hell am I so sensitive today?" she cursed as more tears fell from her eyes.

"Maybe because you care more about your father than you think." A voice rang out behind her and Cha Young practically jumped up from where she was sitting. "Sorry." Vincenzo took his hands out of his pockets, raising them in apology.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned wiping her face with her coat sleeves.

"I live here."

Cha Young rolled her eyes.

"I was just going to get my car when I saw you."

"How long have you been standing there?" she questioned furrowing her brows.

"Some time.." he replied shyly, lowering his gaze to avoid eye contact with her.

Cha Young almost choked covering her mouth with her hands. She couldn't believe that man had seen her cry.

"It was not my intention." it wasn't totally a lie, Vincenzo had no intention of just standing there and watching her cry but he didn't know what to do either, they weren't close enough for him to comfort her.

"Right." she crossed her arms "What do you want?"

Vincenzo sighed before starting, he didn't even know why he was doing this, why he was meddling in the lawyer's life when he didn't care about her at all.

"You should apologize to your father..."

"What?" Cha Young interrupted him.

"Miss Hong, regret is the most painful feeling and believe me, you don't want to live with that."

Cha Young snorted, clearly annoyed.

"I didn't start the fight, I was just trying to help." she replied still with her arms crossed pouting, to which Vincenzo sighed, this woman irritated him deeply.

"I know." he stated calmly.

"Then why should I apologize?" she questioned looking steadily at him.

Vincenzo shuddered at her gaze.

"Just drop by your dad's favorite bar, we're meeting later for drinks, join us."

Vincenzo gave her one last look before heading down the stairs towards her car, leaving a visibly irritated Cha Young behind.

Until he stopped mid-stride, turning on his heel to look at her again.

"Need a ride?"

Cha Young, who had her back turned, also turned to look at him when she heard his question.

"No thanks, I'll call a taxi." she replied taking her cell phone out of her purse.

"No need, Wusang is in my way."

Cha Young furrowed her brows in confusion, in the way of what? Where was he going?

"Where are you going?" she questioned, letting curiosity get the better of her.

"It doesn't interest you." Vincenzo responded by shrugging and heading towards her car.

Cha Young soon ran or tried with her heels after him.

"Wow is that your car?" she questioned fascinated by the luxury car, eyeing it carefully.

"Yes." he replied dismissively.

"I didn't know that being in the mob paid so much money, maybe I should join too."

"Don't say that word." Vincenzo soon scolded her looking around to make sure no one heard her.

Across the plaza on the street, inside a black car with frosted windows, someone was taking a picture of the two of them.

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