Chapter 28 - Gunshot

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Vincenzo doesn't know how or when he arrived at the location Paolo had sent him, he was running on autopilot the entire time.

Luca was aware of what was happening, he was boarding with more members of the Cassano family who did not support Paolo's leadership, but it was not enough, they could not arrive in time and Vincenzo needed to do something as soon as possible and call the police it was completely out of plan.

He just hurried to grab the gun that he kept in a false compartment at the back of his closet, nothing else mattered at that moment, just Hong Cha Young.

Vincenzo hurriedly climbed the stairs of that place, it was dark and he couldn't see anything, but that wasn't important, not at that moment.

Two men from the Cassano family who approved of Paolo's leadership were at the top of the stairs, Vincenzo thought about how disappointed his father would be in them and the whole division in the family. The perfect family he worked so hard to create and maintain, now falling apart because of his brother's whims.

The men searched him and took his gun, Vincenzo should have known better, but there was no time, not when Cha Young's life was at risk.

Now unarmed, Vincenzo had nothing to use against his brother, he could swear all his loyalty to his brother, he could give up his position in the family and let him rule in peace, but knowing your brother it wouldn't be that easy.

“Fratello mio…”1, Vincenzo heard his voice before he could see him.
Paolo slowly approached his brother with his hands in his pockets, the only light illuminating the warehouse was the yellow light from the street lamps, nothing else.

“Cosa le hai fatto?”2, Vincenzo wanted to kill his brother with his own hands, the thought of him touching a strand of the lawyer's hair increased his fury more and more.

Paolo laughed. “Non avrei mai pensato di vedere mio fratello innamorato.”3, Which made Vincenzo's anger even greater and he pressed his fingers against his palms.

“Vieni con me”4, Paolo said and turned his back to go to a darker and more isolated part of the warehouse, Vincenzo followed him, looking around each corner, trying to find some trace of Cha Young.

And there she was, sitting on the stone floor, with her hands and feet tied, her hair covering half of her face, Vincenzo could tell by the look in her eyes that she was scared.

Completely ignoring his brother's presence, Vincenzo ran towards her. The lawyer's eyes widened, her eyes watering as soon as she saw him, he was there to save her, he really was there.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Vincenzo questioned worriedly, checking every part of her body looking for any injuries.

Cha Young just nodded, confirming that she was fine when in reality she wasn't.

Vincenzo turned his head towards his brother, without taking his hands off Cha Young.

“Cosa vuoi?”5

“Non sapevo che dovevo andare in giro per il mondo per parlare con il mio fratellino.”6, Paolo replied ironically.

Cha Young wished she could understand something at that moment.

“Non ho niente di cui parlare.”7

“E' carina, complimenti.”8, Paolo said pointing at Cha Young.

The lawyer didn't understand, just that it had been something about her, whatever it had been had increased Vincenzo's anger by 200%.

“Lasciala andare, non c'entra niente.”9, Vincenzo replied, mentally wishing that Paolo would let her go, after all this was between him and his brother.

“Non è così facile, fratellino.” 10,
Vincenzo snorted at the answer, of course it wouldn't be that easy.

“Cosa vuoi?Lo comando della famiglia Cassano? La mia lealtà? Sono tutti tuoi, non tornerò mai più in Italia .”11, Vincenzo turned completely to look at his brother, leaving a Cha Young extremely curious behind him.

“Non posso credere che tu stia facendo tutto questo per lei,sei una donna fortunata." 12, He said to Cha Young, who looked at Vincenzo for a translation she didn't get.

“Lascerò questa vita alle spalle.” 13,
  Vincenzo said referring to the mafia.

“Ben fatto fratellino, sembra che abbiamo un acordo.” 14, Vincenzo should have doubted how easily his brother gave in, but his only thought was to get Cha Young to safety.

Vincenzo turned to her again, untying the knot that tied her hands and helping her to untie the other that tied her feet, Cha Young gave Vincenzo curious looks.

"What happened?" she finally asked.

“Don’t worry about it, let’s get out of here.” He responded by looking into her eyes again.

Cha Young nodded.

Vincenzo extended his hand to help her get up from the floor, Cha Young thanked him, she had spent so much time sitting that her legs were hurting.

Vincenzo took one last look at his brother who smiled at them both, thinking that this would be the last time they would see each other.

Cha Young held Vincenzo's hand walking out of there.


Paolo called him, Cha Young was the first to turn on her heels to look.

Paolo was standing in the same position but now pointing a gun in Vincenzo's direction.

Cha Young didn't think at the moment, no matter how hard she tried, no thought crossed her mind, she wanted to scream at Vincenzo to run away but her body was acting on autopilot.

Paolo's fingers pressed the trigger, the lawyer moved, covering Vincenzo's body with hers.

The sound of a gunshot echoing off the warehouse.


1 -My brother
2- What did you do with her?
3- I never thought about seeing my brother in love
4-Come with me
5-What do you want?
6-I never thought I would have to go around the world to talk to my brother
7-I have nothing to talk to you about
8-She's beautiful, congratulations
9-Let her go, she has nothing to do with it
10-It's not that easy little brother
11-What do you want? The leadership of the Cassano family? My loyalty? They are all yours, I will leave Italy
10-I can't belive that you would do this for her? She's a lucky woman
13-I want to leave this life
14- Good little brother, we have an agreement

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