Chapter 4- I hate myself

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Cha Young froze, she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible but she couldn't, her legs didn't move, her head wasn't controlling her body anymore.

Everything looked like a blur, maybe because her eyes were full of tears falling one after the other without stopping like a waterfall of water.

A shrill buzz echoed in her ears and she could only hear the uncontrollable laughter of her classmates from afar.

Eun-Ji was still recording, her cell phone pointed towards Cha Young while her other hand covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. If she wasn't the laughing stock of the school before, now she sure was. The poor girl who had been humiliated by the cutest boy in front of the school.

Something stirred inside her and Cha Young was finally able to run away. She ran as fast as she could, bumping into several students who approached to see what was happening, she didn't even know she was capable of running so much since in physical education classes she couldn't run a lap without getting tired, maybe it was the adrenaline .

Cha Young only stopped running when she reached the front door, when no one else could see her. She had ignored all the strange and at the same time curious looks, after all a girl covered in icing and chocolate was running desperately through the streets while crying wasn't something common to see.

Her dad didn't get home before her so Cha Young wouldn't need to go back to school, at least not that day and her dad wouldn't need to know.

Cha Young walked into the house taking off her shoes in the entryway and throwing the rest of her things on the floor, not caring, she was all dirty anyway.

Already inside her room she stopped in front of the mirror observing her image. Her eyes red and puffy from crying, her face wet, her glasses fogged up, her hair disheveled and her school uniform all dirty, she was a real mess.

"You are ridiculous Hong Cha Young" she said still looking at herself in front of the mirror. "I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself" some tears fell from her eyes again.

Slowly she hid herself against the wall and slid down to the floor sitting down, hugging her knees and burying her head in them while a few sobs escaped her mouth, a failed attempt to seek some comfort.

So there on the floor of her room, in that uncomfortable position, she cried for a good couple of hours.


Later, after calming down and finally being able to stop crying, Cha Young got rid of her still dirty uniform.

She was sitting in front of her desk in her room trying to study but actually her head was way off.

The video of her humiliation had been posted on the school's forum. The video had several views, more than half of the school should have seen it, there were some comments too, some with pity, some in support and others laughing and mocking her.

Cha Young closed her computer tightly and got up leaving her room determined to convince her father to let her change schools.

"Abeoji, I want to change schools."

Yu Chan who was peeling a potato stopped and raised his head to look at her

"Why? Did something happen?" he questioned.

"Hmm no, nothing happened." She responded by lowering her head and pushing her glasses to stop them from falling off.

"Then why is that?"

"I don't like that one, please abeoji." She asked impatiently.

"Cha Young, you can't, there are no more schools nearby, I can't take you to another one." He turned his attention to the potato she was peeling.

" Please." She begged.

"I said you can't, don't be stubborn and help me set the table." Yu Chan replied by pointing his finger at the dish cupboard.

"Abeoji..." Cha Young tried to speak but was soon interrupted.

"Cha Young, I already told you that you can't, why do you want to change schools so much?"

"I hate you." She stated with tears forming and leaving there to her room as quickly as possible.

It wasn't true, Cha Young didn't hate her father, on the contrary she loved him but she was angry, hurt in fact she was feeling a lot of things and ended up taking it out on him, she just wanted it all to end.

"Eomma I miss you..."

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