Chapter 8 - Mafia

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Cha Young and the Jang brothers were all three sitting at a table in a small restaurant just talking, as they had done many times since Han Seok had started interning at Wusang, it was only a small matter of time before the lawyer and Han Seok approached the enough to start a friendship outside of work.

Han Seo often hung out with his brother as he didn't have many friends and despite being the president of the family company he was still Han Seok's little brother.

Which made him become like an annoying little brother to Cha Young. She couldn't admit it many times but she was infinitely grateful to have friends that truly loved her and that she could trust, it might just be two but it was more than enough.

"Did you do what I asked?" She questioned starting the conversation.

"What?" Han Seok asked back with a slightly hoarse voice and cheeks red from the amount of spice put in the food, he really didn't understand how his brother and Cha Young managed to eat that.

"About Mr. Cassano." she replied rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I haven't had time yet, you know I've been kind of busy with my real work."

"Aish, you're good for nothing anyway." she huffed crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Who is that, hyung?" Han Seo asked curiously, lifting his head from his plate of food.

"Hm just a guy Cha Young is obsessed with" he shrugged.

"I'm not obsessed, just curious."

"Whatever, you're worried about your dad and you don't want to admit it." Han Seok stated taking a bite of his spicy noodle burning his tongue which proved a laugh from Han Seo.

"I need to look into this." she said getting up from her chair and leaving the money on the table not caring about her practically untouched meal and friends, she wasn't paying much attention anyway, her mind was elsewhere.

"Goodbye noona." Han Seo waved at her and smiled adorably.

"This is not going to end well" Han Seok said more to himself watching his friend leave the restaurant.

As soon as she got home, or rather at her Wusang apartment that Cha Young couldn't call home, despite being all decorated by her and being just the way she imagined, the lawyer just didn't feel at home, something was missing.

She opened her computer without bothering to put away her purse or her coat or even her heels thrown in the entryway and googled the name of the guy who owned the plaza. She clearly took a few tries to get his name right, but who told him to have such a complicated name anyway.

Several things appeared about him, from news to paparazzi photos, he appeared to be a very influential person in Italy.

After a few minutes of researching Cha Young had access to all the information about him, from the first school he attended to the university he studied, also the year he was adopted and taken from Korea, all the activities he did in the free time from riding a horse to even learning to fight.

Cha Young was really intrigued
with him, but what caught her attention the most was the number of news and photos about him with various mafia victims.

Mafia, Cha Young almost choked on the word.

A few more minutes of research and she found a lot of information about the Cassano family, the family he belonged to. She found them to be one of the most dangerous and influential
Italian mafia families. Cha Young urgently needed to tell her father, she thought about calling, but that wasn't the kind of thing you told over the phone, imagining that he
would answer her call, which she doubted would happen.

She didn't think twice before picking up her heels and her coat, of course she forgot something and ran back to get her purse. Since little Cha Young was such an airhead she forgot everything and lost everything especially when she was nervous.

Yu Chan invited Vincenzo to his house for a drink, of course it was just to talk about work, but the fact that the lawyer invited him to his house showed a little trust he had in Vincenzo and that was exactly what he needed to managed to save the plaza.

Vincenzo admired his courage to stay in that office and help the tenants, he was a trustworthy lawyer which was rare these days, that's why Vincenzo had accepted the offer, it wasn't something he did often, he didn't trust the people easily, was one of the main mafia rules.

“Sorry about the mess.” Yu Chan said opening the front door for Vincenzo to enter, it wasn't totally a lie, the house was a little messy, but he lived alone now and spent a lot of time in the office sometimes even ending up sleeping there.

“Oh, it's okay.” He smiled politely, it wasn't like Vincenzo was an organized person.

He glanced around the living room and kitchen, they were small and simple, but somewhat cozy, completely the opposite of what Vincenzo was used to, his house in Rome was huge, chic, all decorated with the most expensive ornaments in Italy but not cozy at all.

Vincenzo's eyes locked on the photographs placed in the entryway, several photographs of a little girl with glasses and short hair and a few of the same girl with blond hair, by the way
Yu Chan was positioned beside the girl he assumed it was another daughter.

"I didn't know you had another daughter." He said analyzing each of the photos.

"Sorry?" Yu Chan directed his gaze at him in confusion "No, it's Cha Young" he replied pointing to the photographs.

“Oh, I see.” Vincenzo stated without conviction looking at the photos again, what do you mean that person was the same person he had met a few days before?

“Stay there.” He said addressing Vincenzo who soon pulled out a chair at the kitchen table. “I'm going to get some Makgeolli” Yu Chan smiled and withdrew leaving Vincenzo alone.

Which didn't last long because soon the front door was opened with a certain aggressiveness, to which Vincenzo instantly turned his neck to look at who had done it, obviously it was none other than Hong Cha Young.

She screamed as soon as her eyes saw the pictures.

“Aish why does he still have this here?” she growled irritably taking the photos and taking them off the wall, dropping everything because she was still the same Cha Young as ever.

Incredibly she remembered the day each photo was taken and all the little details, perhaps because it was during the worst moments of her life.

Vincenzo was still staring at her with a curious gaze, until her eyes met theirs and suddenly she was as pale as if she'd seen a ghost.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned crossing her arms defensively.

“Your dad invited me out for a drink.” he replied calmly.

"I don't know what you want or what your intentions are, but I won't let you drag my father into your problems."

“Miss Hong, my goal here is the same as your father's, to save the palza.”

“I know everything about you, including you being in the mafia.” she replied, approaching still with her arms crossed, doing her best not to show the fear she was feeling.

Vincenzo let out a laugh, obviously nervous, and reached for his tie and tugged at it like he always did when he was stressed.

“Miss Hong do you think you are smart?” he questioned rhetorically, rising from the chair where he was sitting and positioning himself in front of her, Cha Young shivered, he was much bigger than her.

“I also investigated everything about you and all the dirt on Wusang,
best law firm in Korea?” he let out a laugh. "Korea's biggest corrupt firm, paying witnesses to lie? Yeah I know everything too, you're not the only smart one here."

Which wasn't a lie, Vincenzo was more than well prepared in case something like that happened, which caught Cha Young completely off guard.

Cha Young definitely didn't know the chaos she was getting herself into.

Forgive me but I love a good enemies to lovers!
Let me know what you think, comments are love.

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