Chapter 12 - Apologize

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Cha Young bit her nails nervously, why was she nervous? She shouldn't be nervous right? After all it was just a drink with her father and Mr. Cassano, there was no reason for it.

"You came." Vincenzo spoke as soon as he saw her sitting at a small table in the middle of the bar.

Cha Young felt a twinge of disappointment. "Did you think I wasn't coming?"

"Perhaps." he replied and Cha Young rolled her eyes in disbelief, he definitely didn't know anything about her.

Hong Yu Chan was the last one to arrive, it had started to rain and his hair was wet as well as his coat, he walked over to the table where the two were sitting.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned looking at his daughter.

"I invited her." Vincenzo answered before Cha Young could even formulate a sentence in her head.

"Why?" The lawyer turned his gaze to the Italian, his tone hinting at disappointment and perhaps a little anger.

Vincenzo looked at Cha Young waiting for her to answer despite the question being asked to him.

Cha Young swallowed hard all her pride, Vincenzo was right, regret was the worst feeling and she had lost her mother before, she didn't want to lose her father too.

"I wanted to apologize." she said playing with her fingers.

Vincenzo was watching her, one corner of his mouth curling in a small smile. Was he feeling proud perhaps?

After all, she wasn't as futile as he thought.

"You are not going to say anything?" she asked at her father's lack of response, feeling her voice crack slightly.

"It's okay." Yu Chan said casually as he sat down next to Vincenzo, Cha Young opened her mouth to try to say something, feeling her eyes well up with tears.

"Just that?" she could feel her anger rising. “I came here on purpose to apologize to you Abeoji”

“I accept your apology.”

“Aish I don’t believe you.” Cha Young replied, not believing her father's indifference, grabbing her bag and getting up.

“Miss Hong.” Vincenzo got up at once, grabbing the lawyer's arm to prevent her from leaving.

Cha Young froze, her head was no longer in control of her body, she couldn't move despite her brain's many protests. A shiver ran down her spine as she feel Vincenzo's fingers touch her arm.

“I think you should be honest about your feelings.” he stated pulling Cha Young back to reality as he let go of her arm. Still feeling stunned by the sudden loss of contact, the lawyer sat down again across from her father, trying to reorganize her thoughts.

“I was worried about you…” she replied shyly avoiding eye contact with her father. “I can't lose you too abeoji.

“You…” Yu Chan sighed before speaking again, carefully choosing his words.
“You will not Cha Young, I apologize too.”

“I shouldn't have mentioned Eomma.” She responded with her eyes glistening with unshed tears, which made her dad reach across the table and take her hand.

Vincenzo smiled, a slight smile on his lips, but the truth was, he was genuinely happy for the two of them. Ignoring all the rules he had created in his head before arriving in Korea, he was reaching out to people.

“Aishh, I forgot I didn’t bring my car.” The lawyer said huffing and then hitting her forehead with her hand.

"How did you get here?" her father questioned.

"By taxi." She shrugged.

“I can give you a ride again.”

"Again?" Yu Chan repeated in confusion, shifting his gaze between the two.

“Earlier Mr. Cassano gave me a ride.” Cha Young replied as if it were the most normal thing in the world shrugging and her father just nodded, mentally questioning the closeness between the two.

Cha Young got into Vincezo's car after saying goodbye to her father, for the first time in a long time she was genuinely happy, her relationship with her father was fine or at least getting better.

She sighed smelling Vincenzo's cologne inside the car, the lawyer had only known him for a few months, but it was impossible not to recognize the scent of his cologne anywhere.

Cha Young found it strange how long he was taking to get into the car, she looked out the window, maybe he was talking on his cell phone? No, he was looking somewhere, which Cha Young couldn't make out where it was or even what it was.

“What were you looking at?” she questioned as soon as he opened the car door.

"Nothing important." He replied avoiding her curious gaze.

Cha Young knew he was lying, if there was one thing she prided herself on being good at, it was reading people. Cha Young never had many friends throughout her life, so she was always left out of conversations, which on the one hand helped her understand other people's body language.

She didn't know that the same car the black one from before was standing across the street. Vincenzo thought it was just a mere coincidence or a little prank on his mind, but he recognized the license plate of that car as being European, which made him believe even more that someone was following them.

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