Chapter 9 - Oh Gyeong Ja

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Not that Cha Young had anything to lose except her job, but Wusang definitely had. She couldn't risk that information being revealed. To tell the truth she didn't understand how he got them in the first place and it scared her.

"What do you want not to reveal this information?" she questioned not showing weakness, after all she was a lawyer and knew how to mask her emotions perfectly.

"You must really love that company." he let out a wry laugh realizing that Cha Young was willing to risk everything to save her job.

She bit the inside of her cheek trying to contain her frustration at hearing that, he didn't know anything about her and he had no right to make assumptions.

"As long as you keep your mouth shut I'll keep mine." Cha Young snorted, he was ridiculous how could this man belong to the mafia?

"And how do I know I can trust you?" she asked with a bold tone stepping closer to him.

"How do I know I can trust you?" he questioned back, taking a step forward.

They were right in front of each other, close enough for Cha Young's crossed arms to touch the fabric of Vincenzo's shirt, close enough that she could feel his breath on her cheeks.

"I found some bottles..." Yu Chan entered the kitchen holding the bottles of Makgeolli, unable to finish what he was saying when he saw the two of them standing there.

"You need something?" he questioned looking at his daughter, confused by her presence there.

"Hmm no." she replied feeling a bit stunned by what had just happened, especially with the closeness between the two.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I…hmm…I just came to get some stuff from my old room." Cha Young hated herself for the way she stuttered.

"I thought you took everything already." her father raised a confused eyebrow at her. "But since you're here, eat something."

"No thanks." she replied getting ready to leave.

"Cha Young, stop being stubborn."

She snorted, Cha Young hated being treated like a child, even though he often behaved like one.

"Abeoji." she said wiggling her foot which provoked a hearty laugh from Vincenzo.

So they sat across each other on the table, Cha Young just eating her food while Vincenzo and her dad talked about work and a few other things.

Vincenzo talked about his childhood and his life there in Italy, of course Cha Young already knew all about it after the amount of things she read about him.

Yu Chan was delighted with everything and Cha Young could only think about her father's reaction when he found out that it was actually all a hoax and that Vincenzo Cassano actually belonged to the Italian mafia.

But thinking about it again she couldn't believe he was in the mob, not that she had much knowledge about, just what she saw in the movies and it certainly wasn't entirely true. But that man sitting across from her, smiling as her father told ridiculous stories about her childhood, didn't seem to have the heart to hurt a fly.

"Is there something on my face?" Vincenzo questioned bringing Cha Young out of her thoughts, she didn't even realize she was staring at him.

"What? No." She shook her head, ridding herself of previous thoughts as Vincenzo frowned.

There was something about this irritating woman that intrigued him and it irritated him because Vincenzo liked to always be in control of everything.


Cha Young was too busy with a case to worry about other things, especially her father and Mr. Cassano, that's why she had her intern.

This was probably the hardest case Cha Young had ever had her hands on, normally she knew she could win but not this time.

Wusang often accepted some public cases from people who did not have the money to pay. Just for the company to receive some benefits and be known for performing services for charity.

Of course, Cha Young knew that this was all a front for Wusang to get money from investors, but part of her was happy to help these people.

Mrs Oh Gyeong Ja was one of those people, Cha Young had a very special affection for her, as she treated her like her own daughter.

Despite her case being practically impossible to win, the lawyer felt an enormous need to fight until the end.

That's why, sitting in that chair, in that courtroom, Cha Young wanted to scream and throw something at the judge's head when he heard the new sentence.

Cha Young had obtained new evidence for them to open the case and try to annul the sentence or even reduce the years to which Mrs. Oh had been sentenced.

Which seemed to be in vain as the judge threw out all the evidence.

Cha Young was angry but she wasn't going to give up, on the contrary it gave her even more will to continue.

Just like the Italian Vincenzo Cassano sitting too close to the courtroom door so no one would recognize him, he clenched his hands in rage, he wanted nothing more than justice for his mother, even though she had abandoned him.

His biggest astonishment was when he found out that the new lawyer on the case was none other than Miss Hong, the annoying woman who knew his secrets.

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