Chapter 20 - Crying in your arms

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Cha Young was angry, not really, angry was an understatement for what she had been feeling the last few days and all that anger was the fault of one person, Vincenzo Cassano.

“Sunbae.” Han Seok said making her look away from the papers she was reading.

"What?" she questioned visibly irritated.

"Did something happen?"

The lawyer frowned, of course he had noticed her bad mood, maybe it was the amount of sweets she had been eating, maybe it was the aggressiveness with which she clicked her heels every time she stepped on the floor, no matter the reason, her best friend had noticed.

"Nothing." she replied avoiding his gaze.

“Sunbae come on…” he insisted again.

"It's just…that…" she huffed irritably. “Vincenzo Cassano is an idiot, that's what happened.”

“Hmm why?” Han Seok questioned feeling confused by the lack of information.

“He…hmm…well he kissed me.” The lawyer answered in a murmur.

"What?" he asked practically yelling.

"Speak low." The lawyer warned.

"What? Like sunbae? I need to know all the details.”

Cha Young rolled her eyes.

“I don't know okay? I'm just as confused as you are, I thought he liked me, he gave all the signs.”

“But what happened then?”

"He said there can't be anything between us because he doesn't want to hurt me." She replied feeling her throat dry and her eyes filling with tears.

Han Seok nodded his head processing the information.

“You know, it seems like a pretty valid reason.”

“Which side are you on anyway?” she asked feeling offended.

“Yours of course, but.” He sighed. “I meant, it looks like he's trying to protect you.”

"Well, it's not working, he hurt me even more."

“I'm sorry about that sunbae.” he replied and Cha Young just sniffled trying to hold back her tears. Han Seok moved closer to her and hugged her awkwardly due to the position from her sitting in the chair, the lawyer did not return the hug, but allowed herself to be hugged and let the tears flow freely through her eyes.

“Do you want me to teach him a lesson?” he asked, receiving a small laugh from Cha Young in response.

"Thanks." The lawyer replied, she wasn't sure why she was thanking him, but she was definitely thanking him for everything he had done for her all these years, a friend like him was hard to come by.

Vincenzo would be lying if he said he was managing to concentrate perfectly at work. He knew that the Hong girl was avoiding conversation with him as much as possible, she he just replied with “thanks,” “yes” and “no,” but he also knew it was all his fault, but maybe that was for the best.

He snorted, passing his eyes over the sheet of paper he held in his hands, receiving a curious look from Cha Young's father. He had volunteered to help Mr. Hong to save the plaza, which he soon accepted.

The Italian was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he hadn't even noticed the man who had entered the firm.

He wasn't paying attention to the conversation between Yu Chan and that man until he brought up Cha Young's name, more precisely when he claimed to be an old friend of the lawyer, Vincenzo diverted all his attention to the two of them.

He didn't want to closely observe their conversation, but his brain wasn't in charge at the moment and he couldn't just look away.

His heart stopped in his throat when Mister Hong gave Cha Young's phone number to this man so that he could get in touch with her. Vincenzo had to take several deep breaths and remind his brain that Cha Young wasn't his.

It was late, Vincenzo had already had dinner and it was almost bedtime, but Cha Young still hadn't arrived home, his home, not theirs, but he was so used to having her around that he often thought of the apartment as being from them.

As soon as she opened the door and stepped inside the apartment, Vincenzo felt he could breathe again.

As usual, she walked in, not expressing any reaction and not even looking at him.

“Miss Hong.” He said trying to get her attention which failed miserably. "Have you had dinner yet?"

She just nodded, which made Vincenzo huff in frustration, but he deserved it, it was all his fault.

Neither of them said anything else, they just stayed silent without looking into each other's eyes.

Vincenzo heard a sniff, which drew his attention, he lifted his head to meet her gaze, eyes red and watery, tears ready to fall.

He wanted to run to her, hold her in his arms and tell her it would be okay, but he couldn't, not when he'd been the one to hurt her, not when he'd made the decision to push her away.

"I'm exhausted." She said in a choked voice. “Could you hug me, please?

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