Chapter 10 - Unsaid Words

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Cha Young felt her heart hammering in her throat, crossing the plaza practically running as fast as she could in her heels, too absorbed in her thoughts to hear what Han Seok was saying behind her.

Her only thought was her father.

Of course she opened the Japuragi door with a breathless Han Seok at her side, not caring about knocking or what they were doing.

“What…” Yu Chan opened his mouth to start speaking, leaving the question hanging in the air when he saw his daughter raise her hand signaling for him to wait.

“Abeoji, you need to get out of here now.” she responded with her puffy breathing.

Vincenzo eyed her warily.

“What are you saying Cha Young?” he questioned changing his tone of voice.

“The City Hall will demolish the building later today.”

“And how do you know that?” Yu Chan got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards her while Vincenzo followed his steps with his gaze.

“Mr. Han has several contacts at City Hall.” Cha Young replied trying to sound as calm as possible, not understanding why her father looked so relaxed.

“Is it true Mr. Hong, I confirmed it myself.” Han Seok stated intervening in the conversation, which he definitely hadn't been called.

“Cha Young.” He sighed. “As much as I appreciate the concern, we don't need your or Wusang's help.

“Abeoji you can’t stay here, it’s dangerous…”

"They won't start with the residential area, not until all the residents have left." Vincenzo interrupted the conversation.

“Abeoji.” Cha Young ignored Vincenzo, mentally cursing him for supporting his father in such an idiotic decision.

  “You can't stay here, you're really going to risk your life for because of this building?”

“I don't expect you to understand Cha Young, you've changed since you started working for Wusang.”

Cha Young frowned, what did he mean by that?

“Abeoji you are being irresponsible.” She argued crossing her arms.

“I prefer to be irresponsible and fight to protect these innocent people.”

“How can you think like that?” she was just trying to say that she couldn't lose her father too but soon that thought died in her mouth.

At that point the tone of voice of the two was loud enough for the rest present there to take it as a cue to leave the firm, except for Vincenzo who was
completely absorbed in the fight.

“I help people who really need it, unlike you who work for a corrupt company that fights for the interests of those who have money.”

Outside the japuragi window, Mr. Nam and Han Seok were anxiously waiting for the fight to end.

Mr. Nam opened the window a little, enough to see the face of Vincenzo. He tried several times to signal with his hands for the Italian to get out of there as quickly as possible.

For the happiness of Mr. Nam, Vincenzo got the hint quickly and got up to leave, which was unsuccessful as Cha Young crossed in front of him, while she paced back and forth furiously.

“Do you think that I do this because I want to?” she questioned feeling only anger at that moment. “I do it to work, to earn money to live.”

“Of course this is about money, it's the only thing you think about.” he laughed wryly.

“You don't have that right, you know all the difficulties we went through.” Cha Young replied feeling her throat burn and tears wanting to fall.

“I have that right because I was the one who worked overtime and took two jobs so you alwayshad everything.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair aggressively.

“You can help everyone in the world, but I will never forgive you for not helping my mother and letting her die.” Cha Young dug her nails into her arms hard to stop the tears from falling, she left without waiting for a response from her father.

She just needed to get out of there.

For the first time Vincenzo had seen a side of her, he didn't know. Perhaps enough to completely change his opinion of the lawyer.

To him, she was just a corrupt lawyer and completely spoiled, maybe a little over the top and definitely with a lot of energy. She was just an acquaintance, he didn't intend to be intimate with or closer to, if she never revealed his secret they would never need to talk or even see each other.

But after listening to the fight between father and daughter, he realized that many of the lawyer's attitudes were easily explained.

He had definitely been intrigued by the story of her mother's death.

Vincenzo shook his head, returning his attention to Mr. Hong who despite looking distracted had already returned to work.

This woman had no right to own his thoughts, she meant nothing to him.

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