Capítulo 27 - Bloody earring

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Cha Young showed a small smile trying to maintain her posture in front of her father and Mr.Nam, Vincenzo followed her through the office door leaving the two men alone.

"These two are terrible liars." Yu Chan said laughing.

Outside, walking through the halls of the plaza, Cha Young questioned herself as she saw Vincenzo walk with her towards the car.

"I thought you needed to get some things from your apartment." She broke the silence.

"I don't need to, it was just an excuse to accompany you."

Cha Young couldn't help but let out a small laugh that escaped her mouth. For the first time, he didn't try to come up with any excuse to accompany her, that man messed with her in inexplicable ways.

"Why are you laughing?" Vincenzo questioned and Cha Young felt her cheeks heat up."Because you're cute."

It was Vincenzo's turn to blush.

"Are you going to the meeting?" he questioned and Cha Young just nodded. "I thought you didn't like your colleagues."

"And I don't like them, I just want to know what they say about me and 

see the look on their faces when they see me again, it's been some time and I've changed."

"Including your ex-boyfriend." Vincenzo stopped walking and looked directly at her, who rolled her eyes affectionately.

"That was a long time ago, I was practically a child and besides I don't think he liked me."

"He was an idiot." Vincenzo replied and Cha Young couldn't help but smile.

"I need to go, I don't want to be late."

"I can take you."

"No need, besides, you have work to do."

Vincenzo snorted.

"I can pick you up, call me..." Cha Young interrupted him.

"I don't know what time it will end."

"Are you going to drink?"

Cha Young rolled her eyes. "You are always like that?"

"Only with you."

She let out a nasal laugh feeling redder than before.

"I need to go, take care and don't forget to eat." Before jumping towards the car, Cha Young approached Vincenzo and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

As soon as the lawyer turned on her heels towards her car, Vincenzo pulled her by the waist and returned the kiss without thinking twice.

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