Chapter 6 - Birthday

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Small warning, the words written in italics are memories of the past!
Good reading.


“Look, I like you very, very much and…” Cha Young aggressively pulled her hand back and Jun-ho sighed, leaning back in his chair. “You are an amazing girl, but your personality is too much for me, I'm sorry but I can't handle it.”

Cha Young just nodded, looking away from him, trying her best to contain her tears.

“We can remain friends right?” he questioned.

“hm, sure.” Cha Young replied with her broken voice.

"I'm sorry."

" It's fine" She stated trying to show a smile. "I should go." Cha Young got up.

"Oh, okay." He got up too. “Do you need me to accompany you?”

"No need, my dad's office is close by, thanks." She bowed politely and left as quickly as possible, turning her back without looking at him one last time.

Cha Young felt her heart break, it wasn't all Jun-ho's fault, her personality was too extravagant for some people but still she couldn't help the sadness that welled up inside her. Cha Young tried to tell herself that it was okay to be herself.

She walked for about half an hour until she reached the Plaza, she had lied, it wasn't close, but Cha Young needed to clear her head and certainly she wouldn't be able to with her ex boyfriend taking her.

Before entering the building she wiped away the tears that had fallen on the way there, Cha Young was aware of how red her eyes were, but there was nothing she could do after all her dad wouldn't even notice anyway.

Cha Young opened the Japuragi door to find her father and Mr. Nam looking a bit worried as they looked through some papers.

“Ah, Miss Hong, hello.” Mr.Nam said as soon as he saw her enter, opening a friendly smile that Cha Young soon returned.

“You came back early.” Her father said not taking his eyes off the sheet of paper he held, not looking at her.

“Hmhm, Jun-Ho was busy.” She lied, she definitely didn't wanted to explain to her father that she was left because of her personality.  "Did something happen?" She questioned curiously, their worried faces said yes.

Yu Chan sighed “A Korean-Italian decided to buy the building.”

Cha Young furrowed her brows in confusion, why would a foreigner buy the plaza? It was just an old building with half a dozen residents and a few stores, it wasn't a good investment, it didn't bring in much money, she definitely couldn't understand, maybe he would sell the building, maybe he intended to turn it into a source of tourism. What Cha Young didn't know is that her butterfly effect was about to begin.

"But why?"

“I don't know, I don't even know him, we were just notified by a letter, the residents are very worried about it.” He responded by sighing again and rubbing his eyes.

“Do you think he will sell the building?” She questioned, starting to get worried, her father had fought so hard to make this dream come true, he didn't deserve that.

"I hope not, I need a cigarette, I'll be right back." He responded by walking out of the office with a pack of cigarettes in his hand.

“Miss Hong your birthday is next week right? Are you excited?” Mr.Nam asked breaking the silence that had been installed.

“Hmm, I guess.” She shrugged, feigning indifference, but in reality it was her first birthday with friends, during the three years of university just her boyfriend celebrated with her, but now she had more people, more than enough to organize a party, of course she was excited.

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