Chapter 2 - New Friend?

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Hey guys sorry for the delay but I'm kinda busy with college, I'll update twice a week tho.


Cha Young didn't know exactly what she wanted to study in college, to tell the truth she had never thought about it much, of course when she was a child she had many dreams like all children her age, but that was nothing more than silly things like being a princess or a fairy.

Now she couldn't think of anything, not that she did because Cha Young didn't want to have a future afraid of ending up alone, because she was always alone and that was the thing that haunted her the most.

Sometimes, she would like to be someone who could do justice and defend those who couldn't. She liked to help her father with the reports, and she often got the books to read.

But being a lawyer wasn't for her, Cha Young was not smart and could never get into law school with her grades.

" Weird girl" Eun -ji, the most popular girl in school and also the most beautiful, called her.

Cha Young didn't expect her to know her name and she was also used to that nickname, after all that's what everyone called her so she looked up to find Eun -Ji 's gaze and her little group of friends staring at her.

"You forgot to pick up our lunch," the girl stated.

" Oh, I'm sorry" Cha Young replied, her voice almost inaudible, but she quickly got up from her chair and headed out of the classroom without facing the popular group who just laughed at her clumsy way.

Cha Young sighed and adjusted her glasses one more time as she waited in line at the cafeteria, she always grabbed lunch from the popular trio, not because she wanted to, but because she had to or she would suffer the consequences later.

The lady serving the food, smiled kindly at her. Cha Young liked her. The lady was nice, always smiling, and sometimes gave her more food when she knew it was her favorite dish day. Carefully, she picked up the board and walked towards the classroom again.

" Cha Young right?" A voice behind her asked.

" Hm ? Yes" Cha Young stopped walking and looked up from the tray of food with her glasses sliding down her nose to see who was talking to her. The guy smiled friendly.

"Need help?" He questioned pointing to the tray she was carrying.

"Oh I don't need it, it's okay." Cha Young returned the smile embarrassed and feeling very confused, why was that boy talking to her?

"Alright then, let's go I'll accompany you". The boy held out his hand motioning for her to pass.

"You don't have to..." Cha Young tried to argue, but was soon interrupted.

"Don't worry, I'm from your class."

"I know". She stated with her voice coming out in a more accusatory tone than she would have liked but of course Cha Young knew he was from her class, she knew perfectly who he was, the most popular and handsome boy in school, she just didn't understand why he was talking to her.

"I'm sorry to talk to you out of the blue, it's just that I don't think it's right the way Eun -Ji treats you."

"Oh..." Cha Young lowered her head in shame.

" It's not so bad".

"Are you sure?" He questioned stopping walking and putting himself in front of her.

Cha Young just nodded, avoiding eye contact.

"Let me know if they mess with you again" Baek Do-Yun gave a shy smile and squeezed Cha Young's shoulder affectionately.


Cha Young was definitely confused, no one had ever paid so much attention to her before without making fun of her, Baek Do-Yun had been so kind to her, but why? She asked herself several times. Maybe he was just being nice and nothing more.

Do-Yun had been so good to her over the past week, always helping her carry trays of food for the popular group, making sure no one messed with her, and there was even one time he walked with her to the bus.

Cha Young really didn't understand that, how someone like him, how someone was actually spending time with her.

But even though it felt good to get someone's attention, she definitely couldn't complain.

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