Chapter 26 - University Meeting

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For the first time in a long time Cha Young could say she was happy, of course she was happy in general, but this time it was different, she felt complete.

Her career was going perfectly well, she was winning several important cases, the case of Mrs. Oh, Vincenzo's mother was going well and the lawyer was quite confident in being able to win and get her out of prison. She also helped her father and Vincenzo in her free time with the Plaza case.

Their relationship was also going in a good direction, apart from the times when she would wake up alone and for several seconds her heart would beat frantically, thinking he had left without saying anything, until she heard the sound of the shower or found him in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

He had promised to come back and that was all that mattered, they could make their relationship work long distance, after all they trusted each other enough.

That's why Cha Young finally felt complete and after much thought, she made the decision to go to her old university class reunion.

The lawyer got ready as she did for all of Wusang's business dinners, she really liked showing off, even more now that she had reasons to do so, she wore her latest outfit, pants, a vest and a beige coat that she had only worn it once or twice, a stiletto heel in the same color palette and the diamond necklace and earrings that Vincenzo had bought it for her.

Cha Young thought that perhaps it would be too much to wear her new diamond accessories, but on the other hand it was a reminder of Vincenzo and wearing them made her feel more confident and secure, she liked having a little piece of him with her.

She went down the plaza stairs towards her car, but first she stopped in front of her father's law firm, where he was together with Vincenzo. She could have left a note to let him know or send him a message, but Cha Young wanted to show off a little more.

As soon as she entered the office, all eyes turned to her, but Cha Young was only looking at one person, Vincenzo Cassano.

Vincenzo's long look at her was like an open book, extremely easy to read, as a mafia member he was good at hiding his thoughts, except when it came to Hong Cha Young, his eyes were shining and he didn't need to verbalize it to Cha Young knew what he was thinking at that moment, she mentally thanked herself for wearing makeup, everyone there would notice the blush on her cheeks.

"Did something happen?" Her father was the first to break the trance between Cha Young and Vincenzo, who had completely forgotten about the two men present in the office.

"Nothing happened." She cleared her throat before continuing. “I’m going to my university reunion.”

Yu Chan raised an eyebrow. "Why? You always said you didn’t like them.”

“I know, but I want to know what they say about me.” She shrugged and her father sighed.

“Is that boy you dated going to be there too?” Yu Chan questioned and Cha Young felt the ground give way beneath her, she had completely forgotten that detail, her ex-boyfriend from college, the one who broke up with her right after she dyed her hair blonde would be there.

"I think so." She responded feeling her voice trail off. “That was a long time ago abeoji, we were practically children.”

Yu Chan frowned at the explanation, he knew perfectly well who she was explaining it to, although they continued to hide their relationship, it was impossible not to notice the glances and subtle touches.

“Well, I’m going.”

The lawyer said giving Vincenzo a small smile and heading towards the door.

Before she could leave Vincenzo spoke up.

"Miss Hong, I'll accompany you, I need to get some papers from my apartment."

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