Chapter 23 - Being sick

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Dating Vincenzo Cassano was like being in the clouds, for the first time she felt truly loved, for the first time she experienced what it felt like to be someone's priority, there was nothing that man wouldn't do for her.

Cha Young wasn't really sure about their relationship status though, as they hadn't talked about it, just let things flow since that day. They both decided
that it was better if Cha Young continued living with him, so Vincenzo could protect her and the lawyer felt much safer by his side.

Cha Young also suggested that they should share a bed, using the excuse that it wasn't fair for her to have his bed while he slept uncomfortably on the couch. It wasn't totally a lie, but the real reason was that Cha Young wanted to sleep next to him.

The lawyer woke up to some lightning invading the room, still with her eyes closed she felt for Vincenzo's side of the bed with her hand, he wasn't there and the sheets were cold, he had gotten out of bed some time ago. Cha Young found it strange, he normally didn't leave early and when he did, he always warned him in advance.

Cha Young turned over in bed, facing the clock on the side table, she opened one eye to check the time and to her surprise she had overslept, it was almost lunch time and she was extremely late for work.

A headache hit her as she tried to get up, Cha Young sniffled miserably as she realized her nose was blocked and her throat hurt as soon as she tried to swallow.

"No, no, please no." Cha Young said complaining to herself.

Cha Young hated being sick, she felt completely useless, since she was little she hated this feeling, but before she had her mother to take care of her, which made things less bad.

Cha Young huffed and got out of bed to take some medicine, maybe that would help her feel a little better.

As soon as she placed the body out of bed the lawyer was hit by a wave of chills, rubbing her arms in a failed attempt to get more heat she walked to the kitchen of Vincenzo's apartment in search of medicine and some water.

It only took a few seconds to go from the bedroom to the kitchen but for Cha Young it seemed to take forever, her entire body was in pain.

As soon as she took some medicine she decided to go back to bed and sleep more, she promised herself it would only be for a few hours, maybe it would be enough for her to feel better and be able to return to work later.

What didn't happen, Cha Young was woken up from her sleep by the sound of the phone, she mentally cursed the person she was calling.

"Yes?" She pressed the answer button without looking at the display.

"Are you okay?" It was the first thing Vincenzo asked when he heard her sleepy voice.

"Hmm, I'm sick." she replied sniffling.

"Have you taken any medicine yet? Where are you?" He questioned worriedly and Cha Young heard him moving on the other side.

"Yes i did, I'm at your house." She responded, feeling her eyes get heavy, wishing she could go back to sleep.

"I'm going there." Vicenzo said, hanging up shortly afterwards, without giving her the opportunity to protest.

Cha Young was ready to say that it was just a cold and that she wasn't dying but he was quicker.

He arrived in less than 5 minutes, Cha Young deduced that he was probably at the law firm.

Vincenzo opened the bedroom door letting in some light, making Cha Young's eyes burn and her head hurt even more.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned.

"Terrible." Cha Young responded by pulling the blanket over her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to make you something to eat, okay?"

Cha Young just nodded, she was too tired to argue that she was not hungry.

Vincenzo returned some time later, holding a tray with soup, a glass of water and more medicine. He placed it on the table next to the bed and opened the curtain allowing some light to enter through the window, which caused a groan of irritation from Cha Young who covered her head even more with the covers.

"I'm sorry." He said closing the curtains and leaving the room dark again.

Cha Young slowly moved on the bed to sit up, Vincenzo helped her pick up the tray and placed it on her lap. He sat on the edge of the bed facing her as he watched her eat, her hair was a sweaty mess, some strands were stuck to her forehead, her eyes were red and swollen as was her nose, even so Vincenzo couldn't stop his uneven heartbeats, and the smile that grew on his face, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Why are you smiling?" She questioned sniffling.

Vincenzo let out a small, embarrassed laugh.

"You are beautiful."

Cha Young felt her cheeks burn, she mentally thanked because she had a fever or the flush on her cheeks would be visible.

"You didn't need to come, you were probably busy." She said playing with the soup spoon.

"I was not." It was Vincenzo's turn to blush.

Cha Young rolled her eyes fondly, she knew perfectly well that Vincenzo was lying, he was quite easy to read.

After a few spoonfuls she pushed the tray away.

"You should eat it all." He said softly.

"I'm not hungry." She responded by lying down again.

Vincenzo nodded, taking the tray back to the kitchen.

"Do you want to take a shower?"

"Hmm not now, I just want to sleep."

"It's okay to get some sleep, your body needs energy."

Cha Young nodded, closing her eyes, she felt the other side of the bed sink and opened one eye to peek at what was happening. Vincenzo was lying next to her, looking at her and smiling affectionately.

The lawyer moved to be closer to him and he put an arm under her neck pulling her to lie on his chest.

Cha Young sighed, it was extremely relaxing to listen to his heartbeat.

Vincenzo kissed the top of her head and brought his other hand to her head, lightly scratching her scalp.

"Stay here please." Cha Young whispered before being enveloped by sleep.

"I will." He whispered back.


Sorry for disappearing, but I'm very busy with college, so if anyone still reads this let me know.

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