Chapter 32- Last kiss?

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Her heart beat frantically, she perfectly recognized that voice even from miles away. It was him, Vincenzo Cassano was now millimeters away from her. Cha Young didn't think twice about turning around to find that voice.

Their eyes met revealing a mix of feelings.

He remained the same, his hair combed down a little longer, smiling gently, his loving eyes full of emotion.

Cha Young felt an urge to jump into his arms and hug and kiss him but at the same time an urge to scream at him and slap him for leaving her.

“Buona serata mademoiselle.” 1

Cha Young felt her eyes filling with tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"You came back?" It was the only thing she could say.

Vincenzo nodded “Just for one day, I came with the Italian delegation, it was risky but…” he sighed “I needed to see you.”

“One day,” she whispered.

One day was not enough.

“I’m sorry…” Cha Young quickly cut him off, not wanting to prolong the topic.

“So you live on an island?” she questioned, looking away from him and turning her attention back to the painting.

“Yes, I bought it.” He responded, approaching her.

"You did?" she questioned with her eyes wide trying to contain her astonishment.

Vincenzo laughed looking at the floor.

“The problems with my brother have been resolved.”

"Great." Cha Young tried to smile, it was really good but it still didn't mean he could come back. "Hang on." She reasoned. “You are the boss of ma….” Vincenzo silenced her by holding her elbow with his other hand.

"Let's go somewhere else." He said and then pulled her to a more private place in the gallery.

Cha Young shivered at the touch and her heartbeat echoed in her ears, a year had passed but Vincenzo Cassano's touch still had the same effect on her body and the lawyer hated herself for it.

As soon as they left the gallery, Vincenzo stopped at the staircase where there was no one around.

“To answer your question, I am the head of the family now.”

“Oh” Cha Young said in surprise. “And what’s it like?”

"Lonely." He replied and Cha Young understood what he meant. lonely without you.

“You’re still beautiful” Cha Young wanted to smile but tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "How are you? “

“How do you think?” she questioned back, sarcastically.

Vicenzo nodded embarrassedly.

“I set aside a room for you.”

"What?" She frowned in confusion.

“On the island, I set aside a room for you.”

“Oh, you don’t….” Cha Young knew exactly what to answer, a small smile appeared on her lips. "I can go? To your island”

Vincenzo nodded smiling. “Of course, I wanted to invite you. “

"Thanks." She thanked him and for the first time in several months she allowed herself to truly smile.

“I thank you, for everything, for my mother.”

"It is not necessary." She interrupted him, returning a smile. “Um, didn’t you come back for the gold?” she questioned quietly looking around to make sure no one heard her.

“Not yet, I need more time.” Cha Young nodded. “I trust you and your father to save the plaza, tell him I appreciate it.”

Cha Young grimaced. “My dad kind of hates you.” It was a lie, he definitely hated him.

"I understand." Vincenzo hung his head “I deserve it actually and I hate myself too.” He laughed emotionlessly.

"You should not." Vincenzo smiled at her.

"I missed you." He whispered and Cha Young felt her cheeks flush.

“I missed you too.” She smiled embarrassedly.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”

"I do not believe in you." But she believed she just tried to convince herself otherwise.

Cha Young walked to the steps of the gallery, looking away from Vincenzo ready to leave, until he pulled her again, sending the same feeling as before through Cha Young's body.

She opened her mouth to say something but didn't have time, Vincenzo held her face, bringing their lips together, Cha Young didn't have time to close her eyes, feeling completely stunned.

"Do you believe now?" he questioned running his thumb across her bottom lip.

Cha Young didn't respond, she just pulled him back for another kiss, possibly his last. Her hands went up to his neck while Vincenzo's hands tightened around her waist. They remained there for several minutes as their tongues danced inside their mouths.

After the kiss ended and they separated, Vincenzo left her again, for the last time, to return to the hotel, while Cha Young watched him from afar, they exchanged one last longing look and they didn't need to say it but they both knew that they loved each other.

Almost half a year had passed after Vincenzo and Cha Young's kiss. He continued to send postcards every month and the lawyer was afraid that one day they would stop arriving, it was the only way to get news from him, there was no telephone number or an address to send a letter, the only thing she knew was the name of the island.

Cha Young waited all those months for an invitation that never arrived and that made her even angrier, how could he invite her and forget about that?

As stubborn as Cha Young was, she made the most impulsive decision of her life, she packed a suitcase and bought a one-way ticket to Malta, as there was no way to buy a ticket to his specific island, but that was a problem for later.

She called a taxi to the plaza so she could tell her father the news. Not the truth of course.

“You’re going on what?” Her father questioned looking up from the document he was reading.

“On vacation” Cha Young repeated, crossing her arms.

"Yes but why?" he questioned.

“Mister Han said I need to use my vacation days.” It wasn't entirely a lie, Cha Young rarely used her company vacation days.

“That’s true Sunbae, where are you going?” Han Seok questioned and interjected into the conversation.

“Hm..” she hesitated “To Europe.”

"Europe?" Yu Chan practically shouted, dropping the documents on the table.

“I’m not going after him abeoji.” She responded using her lawyer voice.

“I hope you bring me a gift from Europe.” Han Seok said smiling at her.


1- Good night miss

Hi, iam back and this is not the last chapter yet :)

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