Chapter 5- Changes

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Tw: eating disorders


Cha Young didn't wanted to go back to school, she never wanted to step foot in that place again. But unfortunately she couldn't run away forever, her father would realize.

Everyone laughed at her as soon as she stepped into the school, but she could handle it right? Maybe if she changed a little.

Change, that word echoed in her head like a beat, it was her last year at school, so she had little time to do it. It wasn't a bad idea, she could finally start over at college, with new friends and no one would have to know about all the humiliation she had been through. A fresh start, that sounded good.

She thought about stopping wearing her glasses but just how would she see? She definitely didn't have the money to buy contact lenses.

Maybe let her hair grow, she would definitely do that and stop wearing bangs, it was cute when she was a kid, not anymore.

Cha Young was anxiously counting the days to leave that school and be able to leave everything behind, she tried as hard as she could and studied day and night without stopping to be a lawyer like her father.

It wasn't a dream, it wasn't something she always wanted, but it was something she liked and mostly she wanted to defend those who couldn't do it like her.


That's why at the age of 18 Cha Young finished school and entered law school, her father was proud, even though he paid little attention to her as he tried to play the role of father and mother while holding down two jobs.

Hong Yu Chan had bought a law firm, it had been his dream to open his own firm, so when he heard about the small space that was for sale in Geumga plaza he didn't hesitate to buy it.

Cha Young approved the idea, she was happy for her father even though he didn't name the office after her.

She always spent the afternoon in her father's new office, studying for her exams and helping out where she could.

Her goals were mostly complete, her hair had grown out considerably and she had gotten rid of the bangs covering her forehead, only her glasses remained on her face.

She also had real friends now and finally a boyfriend they met in their freshman year of college and had been together for almost 3 years already, Cha Young was in love or at least she thought so, Cha Young felt like now she could be herself , with his whimsical and fun personality.

Of course there were her downsides too, she had become obsessed with calories, controlling every one that went in and out of her body, when she wasn't helping her father she was at the gym or yoga class.

  Her frustrations were often discounted on food, there was no middle ground, one day she ate everything and the next she simply couldn't and blamed herself for exceeding the necessary calories.

The future lawyer was trying her best to get into the standard for fear of the humiliations of school time coming back, afraid of her friends leaving her and her boyfriend giving up on her.

Cha Young was fine, she finally had everything she'd always wanted but it still wasn't enough to feel happy.

In a moment of madness, she decided to dye her hair blonde. In her head people would like her more if she was blonde, maybe it was a huge mistake but it was worth a try, after all what did she have to lose?


"What did you do with your hair?" Jun-ho asked incredulously, reaching out to hold a blonde lock of her hair.

"I painted it, what do you think?" She questioned suddenly feeling insecure.

"Not bad." He simply shrugged and Cha Young returned a shy smile to her boyfriend. "I need to tell you something." He stated holding one of her hand between his hands.

Hi, I wanted to say that I'm not liking this story at all, I think the writing is pretty bad as well as the structure and since few people read it, I think you'll agree with me. Anyway, maybe I'll skip the part of her adolescence and write her meeting Vincenzo in the next chapter or if I keep finding the chapters bad I'll stop writing, I don't know yet!

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