1. | Lander Headcannons

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- Fell for each other rather early on in their lives. Luke realized he liked Zander sooner in 6th grade and Zander realized he liked Luke in 7th.

- Both of their love languages are physical touch and quality time

- Zander dyed part of Luke's hair red once. It was an interesting and rather chaotic experience...

- Go on random dates all the time. Like going to coffee shops, getting lunch somewhere nice, wandering the streets window shopping, etc...

- Text each other all the time in class, just sending each other random things or complaining/making fun of the teacher

- Luke comes over to Zander's house most days because he is usually home alone since his mom works as a vet and is on call a lot, and his dad works overseas

- Shannon treats Luke has her own child, making sure he's well-fed, gives him kisses on the forehead/cheek, tells her she loves him, etc...

- They like to stay up all night watching random YouTube videos, like TikTok compilations and Markiplier's FNaF playlist lol (they get jump scared and hold on to each other)

- They have a group chat with the Music Club and flirt on it just to annoy Milly

- Play video games with each other a lot: Minecraft, World of Warcraft, Roblox, Mario (all of them), and just random games they think are fun

- Their snaps are either really cute pictures of each other or the floor...no in between

- They fall asleep on each other all the time. Especially watching movies

- Ever since they were little they would always sleep in the same bed at sleepovers and when they got older that never changed

- Both of their families are relatively supportive of their relationship. Luke's mother loves them together, while his dad just kinda goes with it. Zander's parents love their relationship but his extended family is a bit iffy on it. Overall though, they are very greatful for the support they get

- They won the cutest couple award both years they were together in high school

- Their second kiss was requested by Shannon so that she could take a picture to savor the moment of them finally getting together

- They get married at 20 years old (would have been sooner probably but they were broke)

- Zander goes on to become a professional musician in an orchestra (playing piano obviously) and Luke is a Doctor (Or surgeon I can't decide)  

Thanks for reading guys! I have a lot more where these came from so stay tuned lol

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