24. | Vampire Bites - Aftermath

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The aftermath of the wonderful and amazing @deft0nesg1rl 's oneshot, Vampire Bites 🔥🔥 (This is like a collab thing btw, and you can expect more collabs with other writers in the future ‼️) also if you haven't read it yet what are you even doing here bro go read it 👺

Also sorry, I know I said my next chapter would be mermaids pt.2 😭 it's coming soon I promise, I've just been super busy 💔

Theme: Fluff and Angst? Ig? (Mention of lime)

Zander glided across the ice, feeling his fluffy, purple, shoulder-length hair sway backwards in response to the air. He started picking up his pace slightly, coming off of the wall and more into the middle of the rink. He prepared himself, taking off into a big jump as he spun his body around twice in the air, before gently and gracefully landing with his arms to the side. He heard a few faint cheers coming from behind him. Turning his head, Zander was greeted by the familiar face of his skating partner, Eric, and his figure skating coach.

"Nice job, Zan!" The young silver haired boy complimented as he slowly glided to Zander. The latter smiled awkwardly, playing with a strand of his purple locks.

"Er- thank you, Eric," he returned politely as he noticed Eric's evergreen continuous gaze on his own. Feeling slightly overwhelmed from attention, he delicately skated over to his coach, intrigued to hear his thoughts.

"Yes, that was executed perfectly, Zander. I think that concludes our lesson today, you two are free to head home."

Zander nodded, a light smile formed on his face, feeling proud of himself. "Thank you Mr. Rodgers."

The pair watched as their coach skated off the rink, grabbing his coat and drink as he exited to the staff room. Eric turned to Zander, coming in rather close.

"Hey, I um..just wanted to-" He trailed off as his gaze fell to the purplette's neck, noticing a few greenish purple bruises and marks scattered around as the collar of his shirt was slightly messed up, allowing view to the imperfections.

"Hm?" Zander asked, tilting his head to the side, only allowing Eric a better view of them. The latter took a moment, too stunned to speak. His mouth slightly gaped open as his facial expression remained very confused and almost angry in a way. Stopping himself, he regained his composure.

"Um...never mind. Is uh...is Luke picking you up today?" He asked, turning his emerald optics to Zander's iced periwinkle ones. Zander smiled, nodding his head.

"Yes, I actually think he's here now; probably in the lobby. You could chat with him for a moment if you want, I need to check in with someone about the music for our program," Zander replied, gesturing to the sidelines.

"Uhm...sure. See you tomorrow," he muttered, rather distracted, before pivoting himself around and gliding to the exit of the arena. Zander noticed his rather odd behavior before shrugging to himself and heading towards the other exit.

Luke sat in the main lobby, waiting for his lover to arrive so he could take him home. He was scrolling on Instagram, looking at his own photos of him and Zander- actually, most of them were just Zander, as this was his private account. Suddenly, he heard the doors to the figure skating rink open. The brunette's eyes pivoted upwards, expecting his lover in view, but alas. It was Eric. Probably one of his least favorite people besides Drew.

"You dirty little bastard, what did you do to him?!" He asked angrily, approaching Luke in an aggressive manner. Luke's golden eyes narrowed as he stood up.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, returning the same energy. He noticed Eric was still wearing his skates, covering the metal part with only a bit of rubber to protect them. Him and Luke were about the same height, yet with skates on, Eric had to be at least three inches (american mfs 🔥🔥🔥) taller than him.

"He has hickeys on his neck for god's sake! What did-" Eric immediately trailed off again as he glanced downwards to Luke's neck this time. He observed very harsh marks and bruises on the auburn's, a lot worse than Zander's. Harsh teeth and bite marks were scattered along the side of Luke's neck, along with dark purple bruises.

Luke's facial expression immediately changed as he noticed Eric's observation. He smirked, moving his head to the side a little for him to get a better look.

"What do you expect, Eric? He loves me. Not you. And I recommend you stay away from him unless you want things to get physical," Luke warned, narrowing his eyes again. Eric was about to let out a nasty reply before they heard the doors opened again. Zander came out with his bag and shoes on, a pleasant smile plastered on his face as he made his way over to the two boys in front of him.

"Hey Luke! We should probably get going, hm?" He inquired, glancing over at Eric, who had a very irritatingly annoyed expression on his face.

"Yeah, sure thing, Babe. See you later, Eric. It was nice talking to you," He smirked, grabbing Zander's hand as the two made their way to the exit.

Eric scoffed, watching as Zander snuggled up to Luke's side as they walked and pleasantly talked together. Stupid...stupid stupid stupid, he thought to himself, clenching his fists angrily.

Why can't I have that?

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