22. | Libraries

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This is my entry for infectiousorange (Sia)'s writing event on discord <3

Theme: Fluff

Zander sat in Rosemeadow Highschool's public library, quietly going through the pile of books he had just recently picked out. Every now and then, Zander would find a time to sit down and enjoy a good book in the calming atmosphere that this place seemed to hold. Nothing could beat it really.

Zander gently picked up a fantasy book from his pile, skimming over the back as he admired the cover art. He lightly smiled, opening it to the first page. It was quite easy for Zander to get lost in reading; most of the time he wouldn't even realize he had been reading for such a long time until he would get a text from his frantic mother, wondering where he was.

Zander had made it to chapter two of this book, he seemed to have been enjoying it because he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. Suddenly, he heard the library doors shift open, hearing the sound echo throughout the building. Zander looked up to see who it was, and to his surprise, it was none other than his lovely boyfriend, Luke. Zander was seated on the floor in a corner, although he was still visible to the auburn haired boy's view. The latter approached him, a bright, cheerful smile on his face.

"Hi, Zander!" He happily greeted, sitting next to his lover. Zander smiled back, admiring his gorgeous features.

"Hi, Love," Zander replied quietly, setting his book face down on the page where he'd left off.

"Sorry, do you want to be alone? I can leave. I just came in to see if you were in here, and you were! I'm just waiting for my soccer (football for the brits 🔥) game to start," Luke rambled, playing with a piece of loose carpet on the floor.

"Oh alright. And no, you can stay, I don't mind," Zander invitingly replied, glancing up at the sun-kissed golden eyed boy. Luke nodded, feeling his cheeks heat up a bit. Zander picked up his book again, leaning in slightly closer to Luke as he continued to quietly read to himself.

The pair has been dating for about a week, so they still were slightly awkward around each other, especially when they were alone. Luke scooted a tad closer to Zander, to which the latter didn't even notice, as he was busy in his book. Luke gently crooked his head down to watch the page. Even though Luke didn't necessarily enjoy reading as much as Zander did, he still wanted to be involved in Zander's interests, so he picked up a book every now and then that Zander said was good and read the whole thing.

"What are you doing?" Zander asked playfully, glancing at the freckled boy hovering over his shoulder.

"Nothing...what? Can't I join?" Luke jokingly complained, returning the energy Zander gave off. Zander shook his head with a chuckle, rolling his eyes. Luke abruptly got an idea; he smiled, taking the book out of Zander's grasp and closing it shut, placing it to the side.

"Luke! What was that for? You made me lose my page," Zander groaned in annoyance, reaching for his book again. However, Luke stopped him, grabbing his arm and pushing him down to the floor. "Luke! What are you doing?" Zander snapped, but more in an annoyance rather than anger. Luke got on top of him, pinning him to the ground.

"I got you," He deviously smiled, his playful tone continuing. Zander sighed, giving up his annoyed act and letting a smile crawl onto his face.

"This is war!" He replied, kicking Luke friskily as he laughed. The young teenage boys continued their play fight, pushing each other around and laughing lightheartedly at each other's antics. Much to Zander's dismay, Luke remained on top as he smugly smiled down at him.

"I think I've won," Luke replied complacently. "Like I always do."

Zander scoffed, sitting up, pushing Luke's face away. "You're too much," He joked with a lighthearted grin. Luke brought his face back to Zander's, now directly in front of him as he was sitting up now.

Luke leaned in forward, tilting his head to the side a bit to quickly place a gentle kiss on his lover's lips. Zander faintly returned it before Luke pulled away, looking into his beautiful wisteria eyes. Zander smiled, bringing Luke's face closer again, uniting their lips once more. Luke and Zander were a very affectionate couple, showing their love for each other in, more often than not, a physical way with kissing and cuddling rather than words. Although they still defiantly used words to express their feelings, they just felt it easier to show them instead of saying them. Luke pushed Zander down against the floor again, continuing their loving kiss. This went on for a while, as they decided kissing was what they both wanted in the moment.

"Uhm...Sorry to intrude but...I need a book."

Luke and Zander shot off each other in a heartbeat, immediately darting to where the sound came from. The two boys sat up, leaning against the nearby bookcase as they gaped slightly.

"S-sorry Sadie, we just erm..." Luke trailed off, embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Go ahead."

Sadie gave Zander a sly smirk as she strode past, immediately picking up a black covered book and turning around, stopping for a moment towards the pair.

"You should really find some better places to make out with your boyfriend, Zander," She mumbled before walking away, not bothering to hear their reply. Both boy's faces burned a bright red; quite embarrassed about being caught.

"I guess she's probably right..." Luke said, turning his gaze to Zander. The latter returned his gaze, a weak smile resting on his face.

"Yeah, I guess so," he agreed, taking his book again and opening it, trying to find the page he left off on. Luke leaned his head against Zander's shoulder, resting his side on the latter as he peacefully read to himself again.

This time, Luke felt rather tired, so he closed his eyes, dozing off into a state of tranquility. Zander felt the pressure on his side relax; he looked over, seeing his lover's beautiful eyes closed as he quietly snored, all snuggled up against him. He smiled, kissing his head before setting his book down, closing his tired eyes as well, drifting off into slumber.

Hey guys! Just so you know, I'll be inactive on here and discord until Sunday, my weekends are so busy 😭 Hope you liked this! <3

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