5. | Hailey Headcannons

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- She has a pretty average height, 5'5

- Likes hanging out with Zander in his room. They don't even have to be talking, just like doing homework silently together or something 

- Asks Zander for advice all the time on basically any topic when she feels unsure on something 

- She likes wearing jewelry, especially necklaces, bracelets, and rings

- The only person she ever really liked was Luke, before she found out he liked Zander. She wasn't upset when she found out though, she was actually really happy for them

- She really looks up to Shannon. She's her biggest role model (besides her dad of course)

- Her biological mother died shortly after having her due to some complications in her own health and pregnancy

- Hailey tries her best to be a leader for the club, but sometimes feels like she isn't fit for the role because of how shy she is and her stage fright. The club always cheers her up though and makes her feel like she is enough (because she is, queen ✨)

- Obsessed with basically every musical she has ever watched (which is like all of them)

- She is really good with kids. Like, she's a pro babysitter and very responsible

- She's a really good driver too and got her license first try

- Has really good smelling perfume

- She's really emotional and sensitive. She can't take constructive criticism very well without getting insecure in herself 

- She likes most kinds of music, but pop, country, and indie music are her favorites

- She is Dutch (on her mom's side), and Australian (on her Dad's side)

- Big animal lover, especially dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, and horses

- She has a pet fish named Alfred that lives in her room and has been alive for far too long (since 5th grade)

- She really likes volleyball, tennis, softball, and ice hockey, but is always too nervous to try out to be on the school teams

- She can play most instruments to an extent, but her favorites are bass guitar, acoustic guitar, and saxophone 

- Always wanted to be in theatre but her stage fright always got the best of her, until her senior year when she tried out for the school play which was Cinderella, and ended up actually getting Cinderella

- Can speak Spanish pretty fluently since she took it in school for 3 years

- Obsessed with boba tea and forces Zander and Luke to come with her to get some after school every Wednesday. They don't mind it though and it's kind of like their little thing

- Really likes hugs (giving them and receiving them)

- Has an extremely long skin care routine (includes like everything, from face masks to cucumbers on her eyes). Also forces Zander to do it with her. He secretly likes it just as much as she does

- Really likes Diet Coke for some reason

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you liked them! Feel free to give me ideas on what to write next ☺️

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