31. | A Siren's Voice Pt. 3 (Final)

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Hey guys sorry for being super dead 💀 I genuinely had so much going on these past few weeks I legit had no time for anything but school crap, like it was so bad 😭😭 ANYWAY enjoy this long overdue finale to A Siren's Voice 🤭 I'm finishing this series here just cuz I have no motivation to make anymore of it, but you guys can use this AU if you want 💗 Anyway, rant over, enjoy ‼️

Theme: Fluff and a little bit of angst??

Luke and Zander laid peacefully on a rock near the water's edge as they basked in the gleaming light from the sun. With both their eyes closed, staying awake became a fight as they listened to the calming sounds of the waves gently crashing upon the surface of where they were positioned. Zander delicately opened his wisteria optics, feeling his scales becoming rather dry. Glancing upward, he gazed upon Luke's closed eyes and calm face, taking note of his slow, tired breaths.

Smiling, Zander gently pulled away from his lover. The purplette was previously cradled against Luke's bare chest as the latter was leaned up against a smooth rock as a headrest for himself. Returning back to his original thoughts, Zander delicately moved off of the mineral, slowly lowering his body down into the warm ocean water. As his body regained it's natural wet, almost slimy texture, he took his gaze back to his boyfriend again. Sighing in relief for not having woken him up, he smiled as he gently submerged himself in the calming waves. 

Zander watched as the tip of his tail floated upwards in the water, along with the ribbon-like features of the fins attached, gently swaying in the calm, natural current of the ocean. He sighed again, stretching his arms out comfortably. After a while of letting his silky smooth skin moisturize in the salty water, Zander hoisted himself above the surface before grasping onto the hot surface of the rocks where he previously rested. The mauve haired siren pulled himself onto the mineral, feeling the water drip from his soaked body, staining the earth colored solid under him a darker color of itself.


Hearing his name from behind him, Zander whipped his head around, feeling the fins on the side of his face flap from the quick motion. Luke warmly smiled at him, still leaned against the same rock where his lover left him. Zander returned the smile as his narrow siren eyes opened a bit more in glee as his similar pupils dilated, gazing upon his partner.

"Hey," Zander spoke, shifting himself more toward the golden eyed man next to him, leaning against his tanned chest.

"Hi," he replied, swinging an arm around his lover's shoulder.

The two peacefully sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying one another's presence. Luke gently took his free hand to grasp onto Zander's webbed one, stroking his thumb against the smooth skin. Suddenly, an idea popped into Luke's mind. A bright smile overtook his expression as he shifted his head downward to rest his eyes on Zander's.

"I have an idea," Luke said thoughtfully, adjusting his position ever so slightly. Zander crooked his head upward, humming a questioned reply in response.

"How about, since we don't have anything to do today, you turn into a human and I show you around where I live?" The sun-kissed man inquired as he shifted his arm up to hold Zander's upper forearm instead of his hand. Zander scoffed, sitting back against the stone.

"No one will question you bringing some stranger into your colony? That would not slide in mine, let me tell you," Zander lightheartedly jested as he continued to gaze into Luke's sunset colored irises.

"It's not like that in the 'human world' silly," Luke chuckled. "The town I live in, despite being a bit small, isn't nearly as small as yours. Not everyone knows each other. And despite that, even if we did all know each other, they wouldn't mind me bringing you in, as long as you were human," He explained with a light grin. Zander sighed, flapping his moist tail about on the rock's surface.

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