7. | Zander Headcannons Pt. 2

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- His full name is Alexzander Augustine Wickham

- His favorite shows are Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Glee, Breaking Bad, and The Good Doctor

- Social Medias (Most Used in Order): (1)Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. Side note: Definitely argues with people on Twitter about politics and stuff 💀

- Does Bethany's hair most days

- During his summer break, him and his family have a tradition to visit his family in England for a few weeks. Usually he comes home with a pretty strong accent that doesn't fade until like the 2nd or 3rd week of school

- Biggest pet peeve is bad teachers (like unorganized or just wacky)

- Favorite word is, "Shank"

- Sports I think he would play in some kind of AU: Ice Skating/Figure Skating, Horse Riding (Specifically Dressage Riding which is a very fancy type of riding that I think suits his personality), and perhaps Ice Hockey (maybe he was forced to try it out from Luke or something and actually kinda liked it)

- Favorite book is, "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen (Also likes the Game of Thrones and Hunger Games books)

- Celebrity crush is Robert Pattinson after watching Twilight. He also thinks Zayn Malik is really hot (but who doesn't?...)

- Has a cat named Klaus. He's a big, fluffy, white Mainecoon cat that hangs out either in his room or in their backyard on a hammock

- Gets sick really often because of an immunity disorder

- Got his tonsils removed when he was 8

- Before he got braces, his teeth were really crooked. Had braces in 6th-8th grade and wears his retainers religiously because he hated how his teeth looked before they were fixed

- Has really sensitive skin. He also burns very easily in the sun because he's just really pale and sometimes has to bring an umbrella with him if he's going to be out for awhile to shield him from the sun (🧛🏻✨)

- Favorite core class is English or History and his favorite elective class is Band (obviously)

- Ends up getting a scholarship from playing piano and gets accepted into Curtis Institute of Music. (Curtis is a very prestigious university for music that is really hard to get into. Basically an Ivy League school just for music education)

- Worked at a music store for a summer job to earn some extra cash. During the school year, he helps out his mom's friend who teaches piano and tutors the kiddos who need a bit more help

- Can play pretty much anything on piano with practice. He's very good at reading music along with sight reading

- He has perfect pitch and Hailey is incredibly jealous of him (perfect pitch is where you can identify any note and tell if it is in tune or not without needing a different note for reference. For example, someone can scream and he can tell you what note they just screamed)

- Dabbles in music writing but frankly isn't very good at it and only writes simple things for himself like warm-ups or covers of random songs, unlike Hailey who is practically a prodigy at writing music

- When he's older I think he would really enjoy wine and straight vodka 💀 (likes it strong). Also adding on, he's a pretty light drinker

- Not really religious but his family is catholic and attends church only on Christmas and Easter with them. He doesn't really mind going though, he just doesn't practice Catholicism on his own very much

- Not a smoker, but he caught someone smoking in the bathroom once and they offered a cigarette and that was the one time he ever smoked. No one else knows except Milly because she ran into him right after and asked why he smelt like smoke

- Drools sometimes in his sleep, but it's only if he's in a really deep sleep

Hope you guys liked these! Stay tuned for more! ✨

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