8. | Lander Headcannons Pt. 2

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- Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles. Can't get enough

- They fight occasionally. Zander usually is the one to start it but always ends up feeling really guilty and apologizes after a few days. Luke, of course, always forgives him. The reason for their fights are usually because of their differences in personality 

- Luke won prom king with Lia being queen in their senior year, but Zander wasn't actually very upset about it. He didn't really want all that attention anyway and was proud of Luke

- Zander's favorite pet name to be called is either Angel or Babe/Baby and Luke's is either Love, Babe or Darling

- Zander is literally in love with how Luke smells 💀

- They cuddled once in middle school while watching a movie. After that they never doubted their feelings for each other

- Zander taught Luke how to play a bit of piano and they play together sometimes. Adding on, Luke loves watching and hearing Zander play, and asks him to serenade him sometimes while he does homework

- The club forced them to do the chapstick challenge once (look it up if you don't know it 💀)

- They read random cringey gay fanfics together and laugh their asses off in the middle of the night 

- Luke asked Zander out to prom by showing up to his house randomly (He told Shannon) with the rest of the club playing Careless Whisper and a sign that said something like this:

- Luke asked Zander out to prom by showing up to his house randomly (He told Shannon) with the rest of the club playing Careless Whisper and a sign that said something like this:

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(Pretend it said prom 😭)

- Share food and drinks all the time

- Every once in a while they plan times to ask to use the bathroom at the same time while they're in different classes just to...see each other...😸

- Zander comes to all of Luke's games because he tries his best to be a supportive boyfriend even if he isn't really into sports. Luke is really appreciative since he knows Zander doesn't really like it that much

- Luke taught Zander how to play soccer and they sometimes play against each other (just them two) during gym class so that Zander can get PE credit

- Both love surprise kisses and hugs

- When they sign their name on like a card for the other or something they always put XOXOs and hearts

- Listen to each other's playlists on Spotify more than their own

- Whenever they're at a social event, especially for the school, Zander literally just follows Luke around the whole time because he doesn't know anyone else usually and has social anxiety issues (same 💀)

- Luke will just randomly come up to Zander and start massaging his shoulders

Thanks for reading these! Hope you liked them ✨ 

Also I need requests so please feel free to send em through!

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