17. | Zander Headcannons Pt. 3

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- Is allergic to pineapple and most sunscreens

- In some random AU I made up, he has an older brother named Sebastian that he regularly talks with, even though he lives in England

- Has a Wattpad account and writes fanfiction ☺️

- Kinnies Charlie from Heartstopper (fr tho they're practically the same people)

- 5'8-9, he honestly doesn't seem that short to most of the girls in the show which makes me think he's just a little below average height for a dude

- Literally like...never leaves his room unless his mom makes him. Like, He will make up any excuse to eat dinner in his room

- Around the house, he usually wears comfortable clothing like hoodies and sweat pants or shorts, but in public he has to be fancy ✨

- Very close with Shannon, they tell each other basically everything and if they have a family movie night or something they'll cuddle on the couch together 💜

- Takes forever in the shower washing his hair, also him and Hailey share a bathroom and he complains because Hailey leaves her hair on the shower walls

- Has at least 500 hours on the Sims 4 because he likes making cute little gay couples and building them houses (barely actually plays the game), also he made himself and Luke and had them get married

- Plays Disney songs for Bethany on piano

- Here's his aesthetic/wardrobe/whatever it is:

- Him and the music club play random online games together for fun and vc using their discord server

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- Him and the music club play random online games together for fun and vc using their discord server

- Has glasses; usually wears contacts

- I'm not sure if this is cannon or not...but Zander is vice president of the music club

- Texts pretty dry and grammatically correct most of the time with the occasional, "💀" & "😭😭😭" he uses the shortened word things (what are they called bro I can't remember for the life of me) like Lol, Lmao, Idk, etc...

- Has an oral fixation (where you constantly feel the need to have something in your mouth) so like, he chews gum, blankets and pens all the time, also water bottles

- Hates fast food with a passion...although will make an exception for McDonald's fries 🍟 

Special Contacts For People:

Luke - Lukey ❤️

Shannon - Momma 💜

Everyone else is just their name

- Has an AC running in his room at all times unless it's cold outside. Adding on, he can't sleep in anything above 72 degrees Fahrenheit

- Occasionally wears make-up, but not a lot. If he does, he puts on eyeliner and eyeshadow, and sometimes mascara

- The watch he wears is a Rolex and he got it in New York for his 14th birthday

- Watches Luke play video games (if he's not playing with him) and sits on his lap while he does

- He has pins on his backpack for school. A little piano, a little Pride flag, and a music note. Also his backpack is just plain black. (In the show they don't wear backpacks, but in most American schools we do 🔥🔥)

- Has gotten detention before, but tries not to because he doesn't want it affecting his record

- He's a pretty good driver, he's just kind of scared of other crazy drivers so he makes Hailey or Luke drive him around most of the time. Also when Bethany is in the car, he's not allowed to drive (unless he's picking her up from somewhere) because he has really intense road rage 💀

- Very picky eater, and also doesn't eat as much as he should 💔

- Likes organizing his school supplies (like binders and notebooks) in rainbow order 🌈

- When he plays Roblox, he will put in his bio that he's taken. He also likes bullying little kids and scamming kids on adopt me (savage 💔🔥) Luke and Hailey yell at him for it but he thinks it's funny af 

- He becomes good friends with Sadie after ep. 5

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