15. | A Tad Tipsy

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Theme: Angst and Fluff

Luke sat quietly in his room, studying for an upcoming exam. It was around midnight, yet his lover still hadn't come home. Luke wasn't too worried though, considering Zander was with Hailey and Jake. The three wanted to go out for a drink to catch up, and offered Luke to come as well, but since Luke rarely drank and he had exams, he politely passed. He knew Hailey or Jake would call him if something happened, so he just continued to quietly review notes and make study sheets.

College was quite hard for Luke. He was in med-school at the moment. He wanted to be a surgeon, so the school work would obviously ware him down. He sighed, staring at his laptop. He didn't really want to go to bed until Zander came home, he liked falling asleep with him.

Suddenly, his phone, which was on silent, started vibrating. It was a call from Hailey. Oh great.

"Hey, Luke! Sorry to bother you, I know it's late, but uhm...I was wondering if you could pick Zander up. He's uhm...a tad... tipsy," she said though the phone. Luke only shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah, I'll be there. Just send me the address," he replied bluntly.

"Okay, great! Thanks!" She thanked happily.

Luke ended the call, tapping his finger on the red end call button on the screen. He sat there for a moment before getting up. He walked over to their kitchen, grabbing his keys and a plastic bag before heading out of the apartment door. As he ambled out of the building, he pondered. I thought I told him not to get drunk...ugh, I guess I'll ask him about it.

Luke exited the building, finding his way through the parking lot to find his car. He got in, slamming the door shut and putting in the address Hailey sent him on his gps. The ride was about 10 minutes it looked like.

After sitting through multiple red lights and traffic, people most likely on their night shifts trying desperately to get home as fast a possible, he finally made it to the bar where his friends and husband had resided. He got out of the car, shutting the door, not bothering to lock it as he wouldn't even be stepping foot inside the building. He saw the group standing outside, Zander leaning on Jake for support.

Nice...he can't even stand up straight. I thought Hailey said he was only "a tad tipsy?" Luke thought to himself as he approached the group.

"Hey Luke! Thanks for picking him up," Hailey greeted, a bit of nervousness in her voice. Luke glanced over to Zander, he was unresponsive to what was going on, staring at the beige concrete below them, still leaning against Jake.

"Yeah it's fine. I thought you said he was only a bit tipsy?" Luke questioned, gesturing towards his husband.

"Oh uhm...yeah he uh...had another glass of wine before we left...he insisted," Hailey explained, scratching the back of her head. Luke only signed.

"Will you guys get home alright?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, don't worry about us. I didn't drink at all," Jake smiled, flashing him a quick thumbs up. Luke nodded, walking over to Zander.

"Zander...I'm going to take you home," Luke said gently, grabbing his arm. Zander flinched, looking up at him, before a smirk found it's way on his face.

"Ohhh...you're taking me hoomee?" He slurred, getting off Jake and collapsing into Luke's arms, still gazing at him. "You're really cuttee..."

Luke glared at Hailey. She only gave a weak smile in return. "Yeah...I'll just let you deal with that...we should probably get going. Right, Jake?" She awkwardly said, grabbing Jake's hand. Jake nodded, saying their goodbyes as they disappeared into the dark night, into their car.

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