18. | Movie Night

388 17 14

Theme: Fluff and Lime(?)

The two teenagers laid on the young wisteria eyed boy's bed kissing, as they had been doing for the past few minutes. Luke was staying over for the night and Zander, to say the least, was very excited. He always got excited when Luke would stay over, but now that they were a couple, it only amplified his excitement. In their current position, Luke was laying over Zander, resting his forearms on the mattress, cupping his lover's face with his warm hands, and Zander had his arms around Luke's neck, pulling him closer to his lips.

Luke slightly pulled away for a few moments to play some music on his phone, but alas, he wasn't quick enough and Zander was impatient, pulling Luke right back to his lips. Luke obviously returned it, but he still continued to try and find their playlist.

Eventually, Luke found their shared playlist and turned it on, focusing his full attention onto Zander now, bringing his hand back to his cheek and closing his golden eyes. "Sweater Weather" was now playing at a low volume on Luke's phone as they continued their kiss. The two stayed like that for a few more minutes, slowly moving their mouths against the others.

After a bit, Luke started slightly nibbling on Zander's bottom lip, teasing him in a playful manner. Zander let out a breathy laugh as he pushed Luke's face away a bit.

"Stop it..." he said quietly, still chuckling a bit and a wide smile on his face. Luke only chuckled with him for a moment before uniting their lips again. This kiss only lasted a few seconds before Luke pulled away again.

"Hey didn't your mom say at dinner that they were gonna watch a movie?" Luke asked, still remaining in his same position, holding his companion's face in his hands.

"Oh...I think she did. But I wanna stay here. Kissing you is more fun anyway..." Zander confessed, a small smirk on his face, looking up innocently toward his boyfriend. Luke smiled, leaning down to kiss him again.

The pair continued slowly kissing each other affectionately. Luke started playing with Zander's slightly curly hair, which had a little half-up ponytail hidden against the pillow he was resting on. Luke's tongue slightly grazed his lover's lips before a pair of footsteps, which progressively got louder, approached Zander's door. The door suddenly opened, rather harshly, hitting the wall as it allowed for entrance. Luke shot off of Zander in a heartbeat, rather startled from their previous peaceful moment together. Both of their heads turned to the open doorway.

"Uhmmm...what were you guys doing?" A petite young girl with lavender pigtails asked as she stood against the wall.

"...What do you want, Bethany?" Asked her annoyed brother, leaning back against his bed as Luke got off of him fully, now sitting next to the mauve haired boy.

"Wellll, I'm forcing you to come down and watch the movie with us because I want Luke there, " she said happily, a bright smile on her face. Luke and Zander looked at each other, then back to Bethany as Zander sighed.

"Fine we'll be there. Pop some popcorn for us, would you?" He requested, getting out of his bed and presumably looking for a hoodie in his hoodie drawer.

"K," Bethany replied simply, leaving her brother and his boyfriend alone as she stepped out of his room. Luke could hear her little feet run down the stairs as she slightly ran. Zander picked out a lilac colored hoodie out from his dresser. He also had some black shorts on, as well as his signature matching kitty socks. Luke only had a plain red t-shirt on and some navy shorts.

"Cold?" Luke asked with a smile, getting out of bed as well. Zander playfully returned the grin at him, shrugging, coming up to Luke. "It's okay, Baby, I'll warm you up," He gushed, kissing Zander's head affectionately. Zander giggled, snaking his arms around Luke's torso.

"When did you get so cheesy?" He asked, bringing his head up to look at his auburn haired partner.

"I dunno..." Luke replied simply, enjoying his lover's presence, playing with his hair.

"We should probably head downstairs now, hm?" Zander inquired, pulling away from Luke. The latter agreed as the two made their way down into the living room. It had a large couch in the middle with a few smaller sofas around it, as well as a grand piano with a stool in the corner and a harp. The pair observed Zander's family as they approached them. Bethany was leaning against Shannon on the large couch and Micheal was on one of the smaller sofas, leaning his head on the edge and letting his feet rest on the opposite side. Hailey was on the other sofa with the remote in her hand scrolling through what looked to be Disney Plus. Zander and Luke sat down next to Shannon and Bethany, grabbing a blanket on the way from a basket next to the end table. Eventually everyone was seated and comfortable, waiting for Hailey to decide on a movie.

"Godd...just hurry up and pick one, Hailey. We'll be all out of popcorn before the movie even starts," Zander complained, sighing, leaning his head on Luke's shoulder.

"Fine fine...how about we just watch like, Encanto or something?" She suggested, scrolling over to the movie.

"That works," Luke replied. Everyone else seemed agreed with that choice as Hailey pushed play.

After about a little more than halfway into the movie, Zander felt his eyes start to become really heavy, making it rather difficult to keep them open. At this point, it was more of a battle to stay awake than anything else. He kept dozing off a bit, then awaking, getting a bit lost in the movie's plot, unaware of what was happening. Eventually, Zander decided to just give up the fight and resort to slumber. His head was rested on Luke's side, holding his hand with his left hand. Luke stroked his thumb against Zander's, leaning his own head on top of his, feeling the familiar scent of vanilla and lavender in his lover's fluffy purple hair.

Luke continued to be absorbed into the movie, yet he was aware that Zander was most likely asleep, as it wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Zander to fall asleep on him when they watched something together.

After a while, the movie came to a close as everyone sleepily got up from their seats, talking about the ending. Luke noticed Bethany had fallen asleep on Shannon as well, as she went upstairs carrying her, presumably tucking her into bed. Everyone else had now left the living room, saying their good nights and heading upstairs for their beds. Luke looked over at the sleeping boy against his side and smiled, raking his ringers through his neat, curled locks. He softly kissed his head before gently nudging Zander.

"Zander, wake up, dear. The movie's over, let's go back to your room," Luke softly whispered into his lover's ear. Zander let out a quiet groan as he sat up. Luke stood up from off the couch and took Zander by the hand, leading up the stairs and into his room. Zander collapsed onto his plum covers, pulling them over his slim body, grabbing a pillow and putting it under his head. Luke joined him, getting under the covers as well, placing a pillow by Zander's. He gently placed an arm around his torso and a leg over one of Zander's, spooning him, softly kissing his shoulder.

"Good night, Baby," Luke's rather deep voice whispered, leaning his head half on Zander and half on the pillow under him.

"Mm...night," Zander softly replied sleepily, presumably barely awake.

The two quickly drifted off into dreams, holding each other close as they slept peacefully.

Sorry, this one is kind of shitty and rushed because I have to write the last few chapters of Good and Evil lol, but hopefully you still liked the fluff ❤️ Also I need friends on discord because I have basically none 🥲 so if you want to add me go ahead, my user is just EvaArchheart and if you need them, my numbers are #2828! Thanks for reading ‼️

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