26. | A Siren's Voice Pt. 2

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Pt. 2 of A Siren's Voice! So sorry for the wait lmao, school started for me a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to find much time to write, but you can expect at least one oneshot a week for the moment! If you're wondering about the sequel to Good and Evil (which u should totally read if u like lander and fantasy 🤭), I'm planning to get it out sometime within the next months...like maybe late October to sometime around November? WE'LL SEE, IT JUST DEPENDS HOW BAD SCHOOL DOES ME IN 😭 Anyways enjoy 🫶🥰

Theme: Fluff and Lime/Lemon (You know who you are🙄🙄)

A few months had passed since the two had met on that fateful day at the ocean's shore. Since then, Luke and Zander have been seeing each other in secret almost every day; unable to get enough of the others presence. Currently, Luke was headed towards the beach. It was around midnight, as this was the only time he could escape his house without being seen.

The auburn man trudged down the gravel, rocky, man-made stairs that led to the seemingly endless waters below. Getting to see Zander was definitely Luke's highlight of the day. He was deeply in love with the siren, strange as it may sound as the two had only met around 3 months ago, yet something between them was unexplainable. The bond they shared and the relationship they built was strong; beautiful and intimate despite their differences.

Luke walked the last step of the stairs, making his way towards the ocean's edge. He looked around for a moment in the limited, pale, moonlit lighting for his lover; yet the oceanid wasn't in his sights. Stepping forward, Luke approached a large flat and smooth rock that covered part of the shore. He sat for a bit, awaiting his lover's imminent arrival.

As Luke sat, he watched the nighttime sky above him. The faint light of the majestic sky filled his golden eyes they stared; watching the glow of the twilight moon and the twinkling of the stars in the distance formed a sense of peace in the auburn man's heart. Suddenly, Luke's gaze shifted to the dark waters in front of him as a rippling sound could be heard. Zander's head poked above the water as he delicately swam his way towards Luke, a small, yet genuine grin on his beautiful face.

"Hey," Luke softly greeted as he sat up, stepping forward into the shallow water. Zander approached him affectionately, making his way to the shallow end as his body sat down in the water on its side.

"Hi," The purplelette greeted back as his partner leaned downward, softly kissing his lips. To the siren's dismay, he broke the peck, sitting himself down on the soft sands in the gentle water.

"How are you?" Luke asked, stroking his secret lover's face as he leaned into the touch. Zander closed his eyes, thinking for a moment before opening them again.

"I'm alright. What about you?" He asked, returning the question. Luke smiled, bringing his hand down to his lap.

"I'm doing well, thank you," he replied. A peaceful silence laid upon the two for awhile as Luke's eyes trailed down towards Zander's upper torso, noticing a glowing light incased in a diamond-shaped trinket around his neck. Luke brought his hand up again, delicately touching the newfound object around his lover.

"What's this? A necklace?" He asked, keeping his voice low and soft. Zander's eyes shifted down towards Luke's hand grazing the trinket, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Yes it's a necklace. A special one," he replied as his gentle gaze shifted upon his lover's eyes. Luke returned the contact between their optics, a smile creeping onto his expression as well.

"Special? How so?" He asked, rather intrigued. Zander took a moment in thought, gently moving his tail around in the water.

"It can turn me into a human for a short period of time. Probably for around a day or so. It can also turn you into a siren if you so choose," he explained with a grin. "The effect ends if I enter the water again or you leave the water, so it's not like one of us will be stuck in a different body for the whole day."

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