25. | You? My Husband?

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IM SORRY THIS ISN'T A SIREN'S VOICE PT.2 BRO I GOT DISTRACTED AGAIN, I PROMISE I WILL DO IT AT SOME POINT 😭😭😭 anyways this is a request from our discord server so yeah😻 (also this is Sara's figure skating AU thing again with Eric 🤭)

Theme: Um..Angst and fluff? Idk u tell me bro

Zander tensely sat on a barstool while he played and toyed around with his glass of wine. Luke had just gone to drop Milly off at her apartment since she was incredibly wasted, barely able to walk. Currently, Zander was anxiously waiting for his dear lover to return as he felt rather uncomfortable in loud and busy situations without him.

Eric was seated next to Zander on a barstool; and he could've sworn he inched closer to him every now and then as he seemed significantly closer to Eric than the other person on his other side. It's not like Eric was the one making him uncomfortable, but he was acting a bit weird tonight, although Zander shrugged it off as him being a bit tipsy.

"Soo, Zander," Eric sneered with a sly smirk, turning his head to the wisteria eyed boy as he rested it on one of his palms. Zander lifted his head slightly, adjusting his eyes so they met Eric's.

"Mhm?" He asked, peeling his optics off of Eric again and onto his glass.

"Wanna try my drink? It's pretty good. Strong too, just how you like it eh?" He jested, nudging Zander's shoulder with his own. The latter had to admit, he did appreciate a strong drink every now and then. They got his mind off of whatever was stressing him out, usually competitions and such.

Zander sighed, glancing over to observe Eric's glass. It held what looked to be a tangy, reddish white, bubbling liquid. He thought for a moment before replying. Perhaps if he drank a bit, he'd start feeling a bit less uncomfortable? Worth a shot, hm?

"Yeah sure," he agreed, sitting back in his seat a bit, adjusting his black leather jacket ever so slightly. Eric smirked, handing him his almost fully capacitated drink. Zander moved his fine wine glass to the side, staring down into the intoxicated alcoholic beverage. He sighed, picking up the glass and bringing it up to his pale cupid shaped lips.

Luke turned into the bar's parking lot, taking a moment to find a suitable parking space. He had just returned Milly back to her apartment and he was now one his way to take Zander back to their house. The two shared a generously sized, private, suburban place together for their age. It was mostly from all of the money and fame his lover had made from figure skating.

Luke opened the door to his car, stepping out into the dark moonlit atmosphere. He heard the sounds of the night around him; crickets and other insects making their signature nighttime noises. The auburn haired man stepped up the few stairs taking him to the bar's entrance, proceeding to open the main doors surrounded with flashing neon lights.

Imminently, he was greeted with the sound of incoherent chatter and glassware as he stepped inside. He shut the door behind him, walking up to the man requiring him to take out his ID. Luke obediently gave it to him, as the man eyed him as he inspected it. Soon after, the security officer gave it back to him, tipping his hat and nodding to him, allowing for entry to the main passage to the bar's interior. Luke thanked him, stepping forward deeper into the building.

He walked towards where he last saw Zander, maneuvering his muscular body out of other people's way as he searched in the crowded room. It took him a moment to see past the sea of people, yet he recognized his husband almost immediately as he neared the barstools. Oh shit...Luke thought to himself in a panic as he observed Zander.

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