35. | Kiss Me

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Hey guys new oneshot yaay 🥳🥳🥳 also thanks for 10k views on here holy crap last time I checked it was at like 4k 💀

Theme: Fluff and Lime

"Well guys, I think that concludes our practice for today! Great job everyone," Hailey praised as she set her guitar down. The rest of the band-Milly, Sean, Jake, Zander, and Luke followed her suite with pleasurable smiles, getting up from or setting down their respective instruments.

"Yeah! We sound better than ever!" Milly exclaimed, throwing her fist in the air as she set her pink electric guitar in it's case.

"Agreed," Luke replied with a smile as he wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's back. "Even though we're not practicing for the competition anymore, I still feel like we're improving individually." A few hums of agreement followed his statement, before a voice spoke up.

"Well, sorry this is kind of out of the blue, but I should probably start heading home now. I have to start dinner," Sean's deep voice spoke softly with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, no worries Sean! I understand if you guys have to get going, it's a school night after all," Hailey replied, returning the dark-eyed boy's kind grin.

"Yeah, I told Mills I'd drop her off at her house since I have my license now," Jake added with a cocky tone.

"That's terrifying," The pale, lavender-eyed man beside him spoke with a slight smile. A few laughs escaped from his peers as Jake turned to face him.

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm actually a pretty good driver, thank you very much," he replied light-heartedly.

"Yeah okay, whatever you say," Zander chuckled sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"I'll just have to take you for a ride sometime. Then you'll see," Jake stated as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Yeah um, I'd rather not. Thanks for the offer though," The purple-haired boy spoke with a light smile.

The young group continued to laugh and talk as they ambled towards the front door of the siblings' abode. Eventually, everyone said their goodbyes and "see you tomorrow"s. Zander, Luke, and Hailey watched their friends leave, waving goodbye through the door, before shutting it closed. (Jake hit the curb 😬)

"Are you staying for dinner, Luke?" Hailey asked, turning to face the young couple positioned next to each other. He looked at Zander for a moment before turning his golden gaze back to hers.

"Er, yeah...if that's alright," he spoke gently, rubbing the back of his neck with a small smile. "My mom has night shift tonight, so it would just be me anyway..." he stated. Hailey nodded, returning his enchanting grin as she walked off towards the kitchen, where her father, Shannon, and Bethany were, preparing tonight's meal.

"So," Zander spoke, grabbing Luke's hands, taking them into his own gentle grasp. "What'cha wanna do?" He asked, leaning forward a bit as he gazed into his boyfriend's glimmering optics.

"I dunno...wanna play like...Mario Cart or something?" He replied in question. Zander leaned back, a slight pang of disappointment plastered on his expression, before he simply smiled, nodding.

"Let's go then."

"Ugh, how do you always win?" Luke asked in defeat, leaning back against the couch as he put his controller down.

"Maybe because I have a little sister who constantly nags me to play with her?" Zander replied with a light laugh. "Or maybe I'm just better," he added sarcastically, nudging the brunet with his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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