23. | A Siren's Voice

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This is an AU where Zander is a male siren/mermaid (man?...) and Luke is a human. GOT SOME HELP FROM @F0xenM0xen & @dizzyfeet609 !! (Sorry my pings don't work and I can't figure out how to fix it 😭)

Theme: Fluff

A  rather attractive young oceanid swiftly swam in the dark aqua blue waters. His finned tail positioned on the lower half of his body moved up in down in a repetitive motion, moving the adjacent water surrounding him. His arms stayed to his side, maximizing the speed he could reach in the depths of the ocean.

The young finned creature looked around, noticing nothing but sand and coral at the ocean's bottom, apart from a large rock; having seemingly reached the surface, just above the water. He looked around for another moment before gliding through the waters towards the large mineral.

After struggling to jump up onto the rock, he finally made it, looking beyond the deep blue sea that laid before him. He noticed the shore behind him and many overhanging rocks the cliff had produced over time. He sat there, unsure what to do besides stare. He pondered for a moment, watching as his tail delicately flopped around in the water as it hung over the surface he sat on.

The male siren sighed, starting to quietly hum a peaceful melody to himself. Over time, the beautiful sound he created turned into angelic singing. He sang in a minor; the sadistic sound of it only adding to the beauty. Opening his ominous wisteria optics, he looked around, noticing a man fishing next to him, gazing at the oceanid; most likely captivated by his song. The purplette smiled as he made eye contact with the handsome man, diving off of the rock and back into the calming ocean.

Luke's mouth gaped open wide. What had he just seen? Was that a mermaid? A siren? Who knows, but it was definitely something of the sort. He had a long, purple, smooth scaly tail and scales that extended all the way up to his upper torso. He sat there, watching the ocean intently, looking for any sign of the mercreature to appear before him once more.

Suddenly, he saw an almost translucent purple fin flap above the water, coming towards him. He imminently dropped his fishing pole, running up to the edge of the stone cliff he was on. He continued watching, noticing a dark humanoid figure swim about under the water's surface. The figure swam up, now visible to Luke as his head popped up from beneath the dark blue water. He was very attractive. He had lightish, shoulder-length purple locks and captivating periwinkle eyes. He was very pale and had a beautiful facial structure. Luke tensed, keeping his sunny gaze firmly placed on the humanoid sea creature.

"Hello," The finned man smirked, grasping the edge of the rock with his webbed hands. Luke backed away a step from the water. Is this real? I thought sirens and mermaids were a fairytale? He thought to himself.

"Er...hi," The auburn haired man replied, seemingly quite confused. "Um...are you real?" He asked, taking in every ounce of external detail the fish-like man had to give. He chuckled, moving his flowing tail around in the water.

"Yes I'm real, silly. Now what's your name, handsome?" The siren asked rather seductively, leaning his head on his webbed hands as his arms rested on the rock. Luke's heart was pounding out of its chest at this point; he wasn't quite sure why, perhaps from nervousness and also talking with someone he found so gorgeous.

"Er...my name is Luke. What's yours?" He replied, repeating the question as he watched the siren's tail move back and forth in the water, creating little ripples in the surface.

"Zander," he replied. "My name's Zander." Luke nodding, trying to think of what to reply with.

"I like that name, Zander. Um...what...what are you exactly?" He asked, now gazing into the charming siren's eyes. He smiled, sitting himself up on the rock next to Luke. The latter watched as his tail submerged out of the water, now able to see him fully. His torso was covered in lavender scales that matched his beautiful flowing tail. He was extremely handsome.

"I'm a siren, haven't you heard of those?" He inquired, gazing out into the aqua distance. Luke raised a brow, gazing at Zander's eyes once more.

"A siren? I thought those were only female," He pondered, awaiting confirmation. Zander shook his head, stroking his purple locks with his webbed fingers.

"Most of them are female, you're right, but male sirens do exist. I was the only one born in a colony of one-hundred," He explained, turning his head to meet Luke's eyes. He smiled, feeling his cheeks heat up as he gazed upon his face. Luke didn't reply, he just continued to stare at Zander's mythical tail; watching it flop about on the shore. Zander seemed to notice, bringing the end of it up to lightly and delicately caress his face. Luke felt the texture graze his neck; it was strange. The tip of it was kind of slimy in a way yet it had a satisfying feeling.

Luke smiled, feeling himself blush slightly at Zander's antics. Most sirens were quite seductive and romantic by nature, although Luke wasn't quite sure why that was. "What are you doing?" He asked in a playful tone, playing along with Zander's demeanor. He brought a hand to the scales of Zander's tail, feeling the coldness yet smoothness of them rub against his fingers. Zander smiled, leaning in closer to Luke a bit.

"I should get going," he said, bringing the end of his tail to rest back down onto the rock. Luke frowned, not taking his hand off it. Zander noticed, bringing a webbed hand to Luke's chin. The latter flinched, but leaned into the touch as Zander leaned forward, placing a slow peck on his lips. "I'll see you here tomorrow?...Same time?" He asked with a smirk as his siren eyes narrowed a bit.

"Uh...yeah," Luke replied slightly dazed as he brought a few fingers to touch his lips; where Zander had previously kissed him.

"Alright then," Zander said, scooting off the rock and dipping into the water again with a small splash. "I'll see you later then, Handsome," he flirted, winking as he submerged himself into the water again. Luke smiled timidly, watching as Zander gracefully swam away into the horizon.

HEY GUYS! Just a quick little oneshot of the sillies being cute 🥰 I'm going to be quite busy the next few days with school work that I haven't started on, so expect another oneshot probably sometime next week like maybe Wednesday?...We'll see. I might post some art though idk.

Also here's mermaid/siren Zander for you 💜‼️

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Also here's mermaid/siren Zander for you 💜‼️

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