3. | Luke Headcannons

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- I'm convinced he looks like this and you can't convince me otherwise 😭

- I'm convinced he looks like this and you can't convince me otherwise 😭

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(Credit to fr3akteenager for finding this pic)

- He is a big animal lover and he owns a lot of pets. Since his mom is a vet, she likes to rescue a lot of animals. He has many fish, a bearded dragon, a rabbit, many birds, a cat, and a dog (golden retriever). He loves them all a lot.

- Has two siblings, a younger sister named Lydia who is 14 and an older brother named Drayden who is 20 (he is also moved out)

- Goes to the gym most days in the morning, very athletic. He plays soccer, ice hockey, and basketball for the school

- He's pretty tall, 6'2

- Literally has ultimate rizz and could literally probably pull like any straight girl he wanted in the school 💀

- Has many friends besides the music club and does not get bullied by Drew and the gang (used to in middle school to an extent but not anymore). He is quite popular for his good looks, kind personality, and athleticism

- His social medias are Instagram, TikTok, Snap, and Pinterest. He posts occasionally

- Really heavy sleeper and snores. It drives Zander crazy. He also wakes up early for no reason

- His best friend (besides Zander) is Hailey. They are really close and have a brother-sister kind of relationship. Many people assume that they are dating just because they are so comfortable around each other.

- Obsessed with cars for some reason. He can just point to a random car and tell you what it is and when it was made

- Loves video games. Plays some with Zander and some with other friends he has

- He likes to listen to pretty much any kind of music, pop, rock, heavy metal, indie, etc... Some of his favorite artists are Arctic Monkeys, Nirvana, Shawn Mendes, Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran (ironic), and d4vd

- He not only plays percussion (drums), but he also plays the cello and trombone. He can also play a little bit of bass guitar (from Hailey).

- Lets Zander or Hailey paint his nails, he literally doesn't care what color it is. He keeps his very short

- He doesn't usually swear but sometimes he does on accident 

- Has the best smelling cologne ever. He also makes sure his breath is minty at all times and will either just eat a mint or put in one of those breath strip things

- He is on Zander and Hailey's Premium Spotify family plan account because his parents won't buy him anything unless it is his birthday or Christmas...Same thing with like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Plus 💀

- His room is a nightmare usually. Like when he "cleans" it he just shoves everything in his closet and calls it good. Zander helps him clean it when it gets really bad

- He has relatively good grades but sometimes he just forgets to turn in things so he gets unnecessary late grades on stuff. Mostly A's and B's. He is really good at math and biology though and "tutors" Zander... usually that's not what they end up doing though...

- Has a garden in his backyard and plants hanging in his room. He is really interested in nature and likes watching his plants grow and getting to eat what he gets from them

- His celebrity crushes are Emma Watson (obviously 🥰) and Johnny Depp. Adding on, his "gay awakening" was when he first watched Pirates of the Caribbean and saw Captain Jack Sparrow lol

- Has many light freckles on his face and many beauty marks. He also just has random massive freckles in weird places...like on the bottom of his feet and inside his bellybutton (self-projecting help 💀)

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