32. | Simple Nights

255 13 37

Theme: Fluff

Luke tiredly shut the door to his vehicle as he reached a hand into his pocket to press the lock button on his keys. Being a surgeon, his work had called him in for an emergency in the middle of the night. It was something about some drunk idiot driving who smashed into another car— the brunette couldn't remember the details, only that it was bad. Many hours and procedures later, he made it home, absolutely exhausted.

Luke jammed his house keys into the door of his rather generous abode, opening it to allow himself entrance. He locked the door behind him, taking off his shoes and coat, along with his ID badge he wore at the hospital. He hung it up before ambling up the stairs in darkness, making a right to his and his husband's bedroom. He opened the door, seeing Zander hugging a pillow on his side. The latter turned his head to Luke as a few strands of his rather long purple hair fell in front of his face.

"Sorry Dear, did I wake you?" Luke asked gently as he placed a hand on their bed. Zander shook his head, letting his face fall back onto his pillow.

"No. I'm having trouble sleeping for some reason," the latter quietly replied. Luke walked around the bed to Zander's side, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead before heading to their shared bathroom which was connected to their bedroom.

A few minutes later, the auburn man walked out in his boxers, tiredly crawling into bed, pulling the covers over himself. Zander turned his body to face Luke, wrapping an arm around his torso as he gently laid his head on the brunette's chest. Luke rubbed his husband's back, covered by a fluffy purple robe as he pivoted his head to place a few endearing kisses on his lover's face.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Luke asked after a few minutes, slightly concerned for his lover. His eyes were closed, simply enjoying Zander's presence as they were leaned up on each other. Zander took a moment to reply, slightly opening his delicate periwinkle eyes.

"I don't know. Stress?" He questioned himself. "I'm nervous about my performance tomorrow," he confessed. Zander was a world-class pianist— an extremely talented and famous musician whom many people admired. His performance the next day wasn't anything too serious and the music wasn't that hard (for him), though the mauve haired man had a tendency to work himself up over every show, theorizing the worst possible outcomes.

"Zander, I know you'll be amazing, you always are," Luke softly reassured him as he brought a hand to his lover's head, gently stroking his silky purple hair. Zander didn't reply, he only sighed, closing his wisteria eyes in defeat.

"I find it funny how I'm 32 years old, been doing this for my entire life, and I still get so nervous," he spoke with a light chuckle as his head continued to lean on Luke's bare chest, staring off to the bedsheets below them. Luke smiled, gently kissing his head.

"It's a natural feeling, Love. Even if your accustomed to it, I don't think nervousness ever goes away," the latter replied slightly groggily.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Zander replied as he brought one of his legs to hook onto Luke's, adjusting his position slightly.

The pair laid there in silence for awhile as they peacefully held each other in their warm embraces. Luke took a moment to gaze outside their window, watching as the lit moon started to fall. It wasn't completely morning yet— it was still dark out, yet the sounds of the night started to be replaced by the gentle chirping and songs of the birds who have not quite started their fly south for the winter yet. Luke's eyes trailed downward as he gazed into Zander's tender eyes. The purplette reciprocated the contact until his own periwinkle optics gazed down to his lover's lips. Luke lightly smiled as Zander sat up a bit as the latter cupped the golden-eyed man's stubble-covered cheeks. To two gently leaned in, connecting their lips in an endearing kiss.

Luke placed his hand on the back of his lover's purple locks, as their lips delicately moved in sync. After a few minutes, Zander pulled away with a smile, that soon broke into a quiet, breathy laugh, Luke returned the chuckle, placing a few more sweet pecks on his husband's temple.

"God, we act like we're teenagers far too often," Zander spoke quietly, continuing his breathy laugh. Luke smiled back, cupping his face.

"Hey, I'm not complaining," he spoke in a rather flirtatious tone, rubbing his thumb along his lover's cheek. Zander fought a grin, yet he gave in, biting his lip slightly.

"Me neither," he spoke quietly as the two shared a small laugh once more. Luke pulled Zander down onto his chest again as they resumed their previous position. He played with a few strands of his lover's hair for a few moments, before eventually finding himself in the tired state he was previously in.

The pair shut their eyes, feeling a wave of exhaustion flow through them. The couple gently held each other as they let their tiredness overtake them.

"Good night, Zander."

"Good night, Luke. I love you"

"I love you too."

Sorry this is really short and bad 😭 I have a project due tomorrow that I haven't started yet lolz 

Have a random picture of me and my horsey as an apology 🥰 (yes he has jingle bells on 😭😭 it's for our Christmas card lmaoo)

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Have a random picture of me and my horsey as an apology 🥰 (yes he has jingle bells on 😭😭 it's for our Christmas card lmaoo)

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