6. | I'm Sad

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Hey guys! Just a little something I put together since I haven't posted anything in a few days.

Theme: Angst and Comfort

Rain splattered against the window of the bedroom. The ambiance was dark, yet calming; the only main source of light coming from a candle that was lit in the back of the room. Luke and Zander were resting on Luke's bed, the latter's head resting on the pillow him and Zander were sharing, and his arm resting on over his lover's back, spooning him. His eyes were closed, yet he was awake, simply enjoying the presence and warmth of his companion. Zander on the other hand was scrolling through his phone, trying to keep his mind occupied on something other than what was going on in his head. To say in truth, Zander was struggling, but he didn't really know why. His life wasn't necessarily bad right now; he had a loving boyfriend and caring friends but yet his heart hurt and his chest felt empty. It was confusing.

Luke slowly opened his eyes and peeked over Zander, his eyes locked at what looked like Zander's instagram feed. He was carelessly scrolling though, not bothering to look at anything.

"What'cha doin, love?" Luke asked, his voice slightly groggy from fatigue. Zander flinched from the sound, his head turning over to his other side, putting his phone down.

"Nothing," he replied, fully turning over so that his whole body faced Luke. Zander inched closer to him, burying his face into his lover's warm chest. As he heard Luke's heart beating a steady rhythm, it calmed him slightly.

Luke brought his hand up to Zander's head, pulling him closer, leaning down slightly to kiss his head a few times before resting his own on top of Zander's.

"Are you okay?" He asked rather suddenly. Luke knew his childhood best friend very well, and knew when Zander wasn't feeling right. It was just a skill both of them developed from being with each other their whole lives. Zander stayed quiet, remaining in his same position, not really knowing how to answer Luke's question. He took a few more moments before replying,

"I don't know."

Luke stroked his lover's hair, nodding slightly in understanding.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked, wanting Zander to know he was there for him with whatever he was dealing with.

"I don't know," he answered again, not really in the mood to try and explain everything he was feeling.

He then felt a tear run down his cheek. After one came another. And another. He sniffled, sitting up. Luke sat up with him, taking a hand to his cheek, wiping off his tears. Although it was no use, as they just kept coming.

"I'm sad," Zander told him, his voice shaky and fragile, and also a little more higher pitched than usual. He kept his gaze adverted from Luke, looking down at his orange bedsheets.

Luke put his arm around Zander, keeping his gaze on his irritated, periwinkle eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked him gently, not wanting him to lose control over his emotions and start sobbing.

Zander stayed quiet again, not knowing how to answer Luke's question. Yes, he did want to talk about it, but what was there to talk about? He didn't really have an answer as to why he was depressed.

"Zander, you don't have to feel ashamed or embarrassed around me. You know that," Luke reassured him, his voice still low and gentle.

"I don't know why I'm sad. My life isn't really that bad right now and I've been taking my medication..." he started, although his voice quickly broke. He leaned his head on Luke and silently cried, frequent sniffing and small shaky gasps escaped from his mouth.

Luke massaged his back, his head resting on Zander's as he laid a few more gentle kisses on his hair. The two stayed like that for a while until Zander calmed himself down and played with Luke's hand.

"Feel any better?" Luke asked, looking down at him with a sweet, comforting smile.

"Yeah a bit. Thank you," Zander smiled back, although still radiating melancholy. He felt safe and comfortable in Luke's warm embrace. It felt reassuring that he knew Luke loved him more than anything, and that he loved him back. He prayed every day that that wouldn't change.

"I love you, Luke."

"I love you too, my love."

Hope you liked it! I'm a sucker for hurt and comfort 🥲

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